Stupid Bullies

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Jack was always the worrying one, but even though that statement is true Geoff was always the one to stick up for his boys. Sure, he'd let the boys hurt each other, but not anyone else.

That was one thing he hated. A lot of people could question the fact that the boys had two dads. That's something people don't take lightly.

So sure, he knew it was gonna happen. He figured it'd be Ryan. The poor thing always got picked on, but he was surprised.

The phone was ringing from Ray's preschool.

"Hello?" Geoff answered.

"Is this Geoff Ramsey? Ray Ramsey's father?"

"Yeah," Geoff grumbled.

"I'm afraid we found you son crying in the janitor's closet and he won't come out," the lady said.

"I'll be there in 20," Geoff sad then hung up.

Geoff wasn't exactly surprised.

He'd been expecting this since they found Ryan. It's kinda odd it's been ever since Ryan was found for something like this to happen.

Geoff grabbed his jacket and went out to his car.

Only when he was about halfway there did he realize what he was doing. He was going to help Ray. Ray. Ryan was the Ray expert, certainly not him.

~At The Preschool~

"This is the closet. I'll leave you two alone," The teacher said walking away.

Geoff sighed and walked up to the door.


"Go away!"

Geoff sighed again.

"Ray it's Geoff."

"Daddy?" Ray said.

"Yeah little buddy. It's Daddy. No teachers. Could ya' let me in?" Geoff asked.

Geoff heard slight movement and then the door was cracked. Geoff opened the door and walked in the closet shutting the door behind him.

When Geoff turned around his heart broke in half.

Ray was sobbing on the floor and had something in his hair. No telling what it was.

"Ray? What happened?"

"Two boys started laughing at me cause I had two dads. They poured their milk in my hair so I ran in here and tried to put soap on it to clean up, but it only made things worse," Ray cried even harder.

If it wasn't abuse Geoff would probably go break those little brats arms, but obviously that's illegal.

"So why are you crying?" Geoff asked.

"Because I'm such a baby."

"You are one though," Geoff said.

"No! Kids laugh at me cause I'm no fun, and Gavin and Michael always make fun of me too, and you do too! Ryan and Dad are the only ones who don't laugh. You wouldn't understand Geoff," Ray cried.

That's when Geoff's heart did break.

Ray thought he had been laughing at him. He called him Geoff. That hurt the most.

"That's not true. You're the coolest kid ever. Your gamer score is higher than mine and you're like 2," Geoff said.

Ray chuckled.

"I'm sorry I laugh at you," Geoff said.

"It's okay Dad. Besides Gavin and Michael are dumb. How can you not laugh?" Ray said.

At this Geoff chuckled.

"How about we go home and wash this milk and soap out of your hair. While we're at it we can make tons of jokes about Michael and Gavin," Geoff said.

"Okay!" Ray cheered running out of the closet.

Geoff laughed even harder.

Sure Ray was the most quiet and closed off of the kids, but he sure was the funniest of them.






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