Deja Vu

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"Daddy! Can we go out to eat tonight?" Ryan asked Geoff.

"Sure thing kiddo! Where do you wanna go?" Geoff asked.

"How about McDonalds?" Ryan asked.

"That's not really eating out, but sure," Jack laughed.

Jack, Geoff, and the 5 year old Ryan skipped along the sidewalk walking to McDonalds. Ryan was happy on his small adventure. He didn't get out very much, so he enjoyed it every time.

They walked by a small alleyway and Ryan heard something.

"Daddy! I heard something!" Ryan yelled.

"What'd you hear?" Jack asked.

"Come on let's go see!" Ryan said running into the alley.

When he ran into it and looked around. He looked behind the dumpster and two children were sitting by it. They looked about one year old and they didn't seem to get along.

"Daddy! There's a note!" Ryan yelled.

"Doesn't this seem to familiar?" Geoff asked.

"You have no clue," Jack said picking up the note.

Dear People,

These are my children. I wasn't supposed to have two kids. Not two. I was forced to leave them here. The redhead one is Michael. The other one is Gavin. Michael is older than Gavin. They don't get along, but they're very sweet. Please take care of them.

"Can we keep them Dad?" Ryan asked.

Jack sighed and said, "Sure Ryan. Lets get them home."

Geoff bent over and picked up Gavin, and Jack took Michael.

"I'm already annoyed with this one," Geoff said poking Gavin's odd sized nose.

"Be quiet Geoff," Jack laughed.

So, Jack, Geoff, and Ryan went home with the new parts of the family; Michael and Gavin. They tucked the two babies into Ryan's old crib. After that Geoff walked back into his and Jack's shared room.

"Jeez Jack I thought we weren't gonna do this again!" Geoff groaned.

"I know Geoff, but can you say no to two little babies on the street?" Jack asked.

"No I guess not. You still got the note?" Geoff asked.

Jack nodded and handed Geoff the note. Geoff pulled out an old box from under his bed and opened it up. All that was in it was Ryan's note they got when he was brought to them. Geoff tossed Michael's and Gavin's note into the box.

"This is still to freaking familiar," Geoff laughed.


Chapter Two.



That's all for now guys.

That is literally it.


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