Cutiepies and Mistletoe

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"Geoffrey wake up!"

Geoff grumpily rose from his spot on the bed, mumbling a few curses in the process. It was Christmas though. It was the one day of the year he could stand Gavin's constant screaming.

By now Gavin had already ran back to the living room with the others. Geoff put on his bunny rabbit slippers, thank you Ray, and walked to the living room. When he entered the room he seen Gavin running around shaking different presents wondering what was inside. On the couch was Jack, Michael, and Ray. Ryan was trying to get Gavin shut up, but we all know how that goes.

"Attention family!" Geoff yelled attracting the attention of his family.


This signaled quite a bit of chaos.

Gavin, Ryan, and even Geoff were all digging under the tree and opening presents excitingly. On the other hand Ray and Michael still sat calmly on the couch. Jack had went to get the two calm boys some hot cocoa, knowing the pairs usual Christmas tradition.

About 30 minutes later Gavin and Ryan had ripped open all of their presents and went outside to play in the snow. The same as every year, excluding the snow part.

After they were positive Ryan and Gavin were gone Ray and Michael had jumped off the couch and slowly opened their presents. No one liked to admit it, but everyone knew that Ray and Michael were the more 'timid' of the four kids. Michael couldn't compete with Gavin's energy.

Ray and Michael always took their time opening their presents laughing and playing with each one. Jack and Geoff sat watching the two cuties laughing occasionally as well.

Outside Gavin had buried Ryan in the snow and Ryan was being a grouch about it.

"I'm so gonna get you for this Gavin!" Ryan yelled as he chased Gavin around the yard.

"Not a chance old man!" Gavin chirped happily.

Ray and Michael giggled from inside from where they were snuggling on the couch. Gavin and Ryan always made them laugh, they were just so funny.

"Who do think will win?" Michael asked Ray.

"Ryan. Ryan always wins," Ray pouted causing Michael to laugh, and Ray joining in soon after.


After a long day all the boys had gone to bed with their new toys and happy faces. Geoff and Jack stood in the living room gazing on the beautiful tree.

"Hey look mistletoe!" Geoff said pointing at the ceiling.

Jack looked up and there it hung. He was almost positive that that wasn't there before.

"Idiot," Jack said.

"Your idiot," Geoff smiled.

After a temporary face palm Jack gave Geoff a quick kiss.

"You know this was probably the best Christmas I've had for a long time," Geoff sighed.

"Way to make it sappy," Jack smiled.

"Oh shut up."


Merry Christmas!

I'm super sorry this is really short, but honestly I'm quite satisfied with. Secret Freewood, Raychael, and OG chappie :). FYI I have the next to updates planned out and almost finished, so don't get impatient. Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or whatever you celebrate.

Happy Holidays!

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