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It had been a while since Geoff and Jack found the four children. Even though the were loud, annoying, and needy, the two men loved them even more.

Geoff got out of bed and looked over to where Jack slept. He was there. Which was odd considering Jack always woke up before he did. Geoff just shrugged it off and walked into the living room. He pulled out and Xbox controller and started playing a random game. He was enjoying the peacefulness until it was ruined, as always.

"Dad, Gavin and Michael are fighting again," Ryan said.

Geoff sighed and walked towards the toddlers room.

Michael and Gavin didn't get along. They were complete opposites. Gavin sweet, but quite dumb from time to time. Michael was always troublesome and angry. Geoff understood why they didn't get along very well, but he still didn't like it.

He walked into the room and toys were flying. Michael and Gavin both kept throwing toys, even though they were crying.

Geoff looked over to Ryan and nodded. Ryan knew the drill.

Geoff picked up Michael from the floor and removed all toys from his hands. Ryan did the same with Gavin.

"I thought I told you guys to behave! You should consider being quiet! You woke Ryan and I!" Geoff said in a harsh voice.

"Gavin started it!" Michael yelled pointing at Gavin.

"I did not! You did!" Gavin yelled back.

"Be quiet you two! You're gonna wake Ray," Geoff said.

Gavin and Michael started to pout and look away from each other.

"Why can't these two just behave for once?" Geoff thought to himself.

"Alright babies. Lets go to the kitchen and Geoff will make pancakes!" Geoff cheered.

The two boys stopped pouting completely and cheered with joy and ran off to the kitchen.

Geoff laughed and said, "Hey Ryan, will you go and wake up Ray?"

Ryan nodded and walked to Ray's room.

Geoff never admitted it. Jack didn't either, but they both knew Ryan was the only one that could handle Ray. Ray was always to sensitive, but he always loved Ryan.

Ryan walked into Ray's room and closed the door. He went to the child's bed and sat down.

"Hey Ray, wake up kiddo," Ryan said shaking Ray slightly.

"But I'm tired Rye Bread," Ray said in his childish voice.

"I know, but Geoff made pancakes!" Ryan cheered.

Ray yelled in joy and sat up.

Ryan giggled and walked out the door. He looked behind him to see if Ray was behind him, but Ray wasn't. He walked back into Ray's room. Ray sat on his bed putting out his arms waiting for Ryan.

Ryan laughed and picked Ray up on his back. Ray giggled his adorable childish laugh and hugged Ryan.



Hope ya like it.


So that's all for now bowsies.


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