To The Moon

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Ryan sat down and put Ray in his high chair. Michael and Gavin both sat at the table as well. Geoff was cooking and Jack joined them shortly after.

"Okay boys! Pancakes are served!" Geoff said putting the pancakes in the middle of table.

Ryan, Jack, And Geoff each grabbed themselves some, but also helping the younger boys.

"So what are we going to do today my boys?" Geoff asked.

"Let's go to the moon!" Gavin yelled.

"No we can't. You're to stupid to go to the moon," Michael said flicking a piece of pancake in Gavin's face.

"Michael that wasn't very nice," Jack said.

Michael just gave a 'Hmph' and continued eating.

"How about we just stay home and chill out today?" Geoff suggested.

"I like the sound of that," Jack said.

"But I wanna do sumthin fun Geoffy!" Gavin exclaimed.

"How about you, Michael, and Ray play some games? Doesn't that sound fun?" Jack asked.

"Not really." Gavin pouted.

Jack just shook his head and looked to Geoff and Ryan. The three had been together for a long time. They knew all the 'secret signs' of their language. The nod meant take your kid, and keep him occupied. Most of the time Geoff falls asleep, and Gavin gets loose and runs to Michael. Those two fight and scare Ray. It's how it normally works anyway.

Geoff picked up Gavin, Michael going with Jack, and Ryan and Ray.

"Come on Gavin! We can build some stuff on minecraft!" Geoff yelled happily.

"Okay!" Gavin chirped.


Michael and Jack went outside. Michael liked it outside. It was cool, and a lot of fun. Michael was playing hopscotch as he normally did, and we was actually behaving well too. He didn't throw the rock into the neighbors window today.

He was skipping along until he fell and scraped his knee. He sat on the ground and cried while clutching his knee.

"Michael!? Are you okay little buddy?" Jack asked.

"O-Of course I am Jack. I-I'm Mogar," Michael said still crying.

Jack laughed and took Michael inside. After getting him a band-aid, he sent him off to play with Geoff and Gavin.

After making sure those three kids were okay, yes including Geoff, he went to check on Ray and Ryan.

He cracked Ryan's door a bit to peek inside. Ryan was reading Ray a book. Something about roses, but Jack couldn't tell for sure.

Ryan and Ray were always much more different from Gavin and Michael. Gavin and Michael had always called Jack and Geoff by their names, but Ryan and Ryan always called them dad. Ryan and Ray were closed off, behaved, and sensitive. Michael and Gavin were hyper, troublesome, and hard headed. There were two many differences between the two groups.

Jack just laughed and walked back to Geoff, Gavin, and Michael.


In Ryan's room Ray had sat down on his bed. Ryan grabbed the informational book on roses, the one he always grabbed, but he didn't really read it.

Ray didn't really get interested in nonfiction books, but Jack didn't exactly approve of Ryan telling Ray stories. So the roses book was a cover. It seemed the were reading it, but they weren't.

Ryan would always tell stories about kings of kingdoms. The first king, the mad king, and the best king. Even adding kings along the way! He told all kinds of other stories too! Rays favorite were the best king stories. It seemed like Ryan based them off of Ray, but Ray didn't really realize that.

"And them the Best King rode away into the night. Finally escaping the mad king," Ryan said.

"Yay! He got away!" Ray cheered.

"For now..." Ryan continued.

"Aww," Ray sighed.

Even though he was sad, he always knew when Ryan said 'For Now' that meant he was gonna tell more later.

"So now that we've had our story what do you wanna do now?" Ryan asked.

"GAVIN WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Michael yelled from the living room.

Ray giggled and said, "How about we go play Ry-Bread?"

"Sure buddy. Come on," Ryan said skipping out, and Ray following.


I tried to make this a adorable as possible and I think I did quite well.


You know I'm not telling you what to do.


That's all for now!


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