Next Time I'm Dying

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Ryan woke up to a sound of stomping and pounding. He figured it was just his dad being drunk, but decided to make sure. Michael or Gavin might have gotten the super glue again. Rising out of the comfy bed Ryan slipped out of his room and tiptoed to the kitchen. He thought it'd be funny to scare Michael or Gavin and even Geoff cause that's always funny, but it could be Jack so it wasn't a great idea. So Ryan casually slipped into the kitchen to see, nobody.

"What's going on?" Ryan said as he looked around getting really confused.

The pounding and stomping didn't stop.

Ryan ran out of the kitchen and down the hall. Ryan was an age where you started realizing people might want to be mean to you. Steal from you. Even murder you. We all know that'd have us running to our daddies.

"Geoff! Jack! Guys get up something's really wrong!" Ryan yelled.


The stomping and pounding continued.

"What is that?" A sleepy Geoff asked.

"I dunno!" Ryan yelled.

"It's probably just one of the kids Ryan. Geoff you check on Ray I'll go to Michael and Gavin," Jack said.

Geoff nodded slightly getting up and slowly made his way to Ray's room. Ryan deciding that Ray was technically his favorite sibling he decided he'd go with Geoff to check on Ray.

As they opened the door they were surprised to not just see nothing, but no Ray either.

"Jack! Is Ray in there?" Geoff yelled.

"No. I was going to ask you the same thing. Gavin and Michael aren't here either," Jack said walking towards Ryan and Geoff.

"Maybe they're outside!" Ryan suggested.

"I doubt it, but you can check if you want to," Jack said.

Ryan decided he was going to check anyway, because it seemed quite likely they'd be out there. At least to him anyway. Ryan excited the house and walked onto the front lawn. He didn't see anything different so heading behind the house. He round the corner and herd shushing from someone. Ryan peeked his head around the corner and looked around. Not surprising him Gavin and Michael were sitting around. Ray on the other hand was crying holding his throat. Ryan knew it wasn't a nightmare. Ray wouldn't ever go to those two. They'd make fun of him.

So what was going on?

"Ray?" Ryan said.

Gavin and Michael whipped their heads around to see Ryan standing in the dark.

"Ryan? What are you doing here?!" the two screamed in unison.

"Looking for you," he grumbled. "Ray what's wrong little buddy?"

"Ray couldn't breathe so we gave him some fresh air," Gavin said.

"Gavin it doesn't work that way! Ray come on buddy I'll take to daddy. He'll help you," Ryan said picking Ray up.

Ryan ran to the back door and rushed inside. Ray wasn't doing well and the fact Gavin and Michael tried to help made it worse.

"Jack! Geoff! Come here!"

"Ryan what is it- Oh sweet jesus!" Geoff yelled.

"What happened!" Jack yelled.

"He woke up like this long story! Help him Jack, please," Ryan whispered.

"Geoff go start the car. We gotta get him to the ER, now," Jack demanded.

Geoff nodded and ran outside to the car.

"Ryan, I'm going to need you to go get the boys. Get them in the car with their blankets."

Ryan nodded and ran to Michael's and Gavin's room grabbing their red and green blankets. He ran out the door and sprinted towards Gavin and Michael.

"Guys, We need to go get in the car."

Normally the boys would argue, but something was different. Ryan was sad. That wasn't something you wanted to mess with. Everyone was in the car after a few minutes praying Ray would be okay.

The ride was a short one since Geoff was speeding. The sent Ray back as fast as possible, leaving Jack, Geoff, and Ryan. Michael and Gavin were sleeping over on some chairs. Everyone was quiet. There were only a few other people since it was three in the morning. The silence was killer. After about an hour a doctor walked over to them.

"Mr. Ramsey and Mr. Patillo?"

"Yes," Jack said.

"Your son Ray has been diagnosed with pneumonia. It's not serious as long as it's taken in extreme care. He came be released in a few days, and we'll get you his meds."

"Can we see him?" Ryan asked.

"Only one at a time little man, but yes you can. When you decide who's going back just tell the nurse and she'll take you to see him," the man smiled.

As the doctor walked away the family had their conversation.

"Ryan go ahead," Geoff said.

"What? Me? You guys are his dads!" Ryan said.

"Nah. That's true, but he's your world. Go on kiddo," Geoff said ruffling his hair.

Ryan smiled and walked to nurse telling her he wanted to see Ray. She walked him to Ray's room and went back to work.

Ryan walked inside going to Ray's bed.

"Hey Ray, how are yah?"

"I'm alright now that I can breathe," Ray said laughing a little.

Ryan sat down by Ray's bed and grabbed his hand.

"Ray don't do that again," Ryan cried.

"What Ryebread?" Ray asked.

"Ask Gavin and Michael for help," Ryan cried harder.

"I promise I won't. As long as next time I'm dying please bring my DS," Ray smiled.

Ryan laughed, crying even harder.


So this was the vote chappie.

So honestly Ray won, and Ryan got last. Then that morphed into this. I've done a lot of centrics, but Gavin still hasn't really gotten one, so that's my next priority. By the way, guess who gave you a surprise chapter during her hiatus. THIS GUY. :D


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