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Gavin sat in front of the window looking amongst the dry yard. The lad was bummed since it still hasn't snowed in Austin. Heck, buffalo got a million inches of snow! Why couldn't he just get one?

"Gavvy? What's wrong?" Ray asked.

"Nothing Ray. Just wishing," Gavin replied sadly.

"Wish on a star. That always makes my wishes come shoe!" Ray piped.

Maybe Ray is right. Even though he said shoe instead of true. I'll ask Geoffrey if I can stay up a little later tonight! Gavin thought to himself.

So, when bedtime rolled around Gavin had slipped out of bed and approached the window despite Geoff saying no. He looked to the sky in search for the perfect star. When Gavin's eyes suddenly gazed over a portion of six bright stars. They were like his family. Six bright people. After he found the perfect star he closed his eyes tight and wished for the fluffy white snow to come to Austin. After he wished for his snow he ran into his room and climbed back into his bed.


Gavin awoke to wild shaking from his brother Michael.

"GAVVY! WAKE UP IDIOT!" Michael yelled.

"What Micoo?" Gavin asked from his drowsy state as he rubbed his eyes.

"It's snowing!"

Gavin shot up from his bed and ran into Geoff and Jacks shared room.

"Geoffrey! Jack! Get up! It's snowing!" the lad yelled.

Apparently Gavin was the last one up. Only his and Michael's snow gear remained inside the home. Meaning Ryan and Ray were already outside.

"Come on Micoo!" Gavin yelled grabbing his hand.

He ran to the snow gear, Michael in tow, and began sliding it all on. Michael followed procedure. Once they were all dressed warmly they sprinted outside looking for Ryan and Ray.

"Gavin," Ryan whispered.

Gavin looked to his left and seen a small snow fort. Gavin tugged Michael over and sat behind the tiny wall with Ryan and Ray.

"Help me build the wall guys. Ray's making snowballs. We're gonna ambush the guys."

Gavin and Michael nodded quickly and got to work. After a few minutes the wall had almost tripled in size.

"Remind me why this is a good idea," Michael said.

"Cause it'll be funny," Ryan replied.

Michael shrugged and continued, not wanting to argue.

There was utter silence until the creak of the screen door was heard.

"Go," Ryan signaled to the fort.

Michael, Gavin, and Ryan all ran back to the fort. Inside, Ray had made quite a few snowballs for the four of them.

"Ready?" Ryan asked hearing Geoff yell for them.

"Ready." Ray, Gavin, and Michael said in unison.


The four boys ran from the fort hitting Jack and Geoff with many snowballs. After much screaming, yelling, and snow the battle was over. The younger kids took this as a victory.

"I hate you guys," Geoff groaned grabbing Gavin and tackling him in the snow.

Michael stealthy took his secret hidden snowball and shoved it down Geoff's shirt causing him to cease attacking Gavin. He ran around the yard clawing at his shirt, screaming.

"Come on boys. Let's not bully Geoff. For now at least," Jack laughed, all the boys joining in.

The family went inside for some hot cocoa, except Geoff, who was still running around in the yard.


Next upload should be around Christmas.

Happy Holidays babes. <3

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