Rainy Days

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Gavin sat at the window and looked outside. It had been raining all day, but he wanted to go out and play. Geoff and Jack immediately denied him after asking.

"Come on Gav! There must be something else that you can do," Geoff said.

"But I wanna go outside Geoff!" Gavin yelled.

"Come on. Lets go get the guys and find something else we can all do!" Geoff chirped.

"But there isn't anything we can do," Gavin sighed.

"Sure there is! Come on!" Geoff said picking Gavin up on his shoulders and running to Michael's room.

Geoff knew the boys a lot. One thing he learned is that they like superheroes and villains.

He jumped into Michael's room and his plan began.

"Ha ha! Silly Mogar! I have captured Vav and there's nothing you can do!" Geoff yelled.

"Vav! What are you gonna do to him?" Michael yelled.

"Why give him to the mad king of course!" Geoff yelled running to Ryan's room.

He opened the door, walked in and closed it once again.

"Pst. Mad King, I got ya something," Geoff said tossing Gavin on the bed.

Ryan giggled and got up from where he was sitting.

Soon enough Ray and Michael bursted through the doorway both yelling and screaming.

"Vav!" They both yelled.

"You'll never defeat me!" Ryan yelled while laughing evilly.

"Yes we will because every super villain has a weakness!" Michael yelled.

"Not me!" Ryan protested.

Michael jumped onto Ryan and started tickling him.

"Now X-Ray! Free Vav!" Michael yelled.

Ray nodded and went to free Gavin. Once he did the three started giggling as they ran away to the living room.

Geoff and Ryan laughed following the boys.

Rainy days weren't that bad.



Sorry for the wait.

I'm sick.


So there you go.

I achieve nothing.


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