Ꮚ Chapter 24 Ꮚ

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Ꮚ Chapter 24 Ꮚ

     There are things in life that you just don't do. Not because you've been told that it's wrong and not because you're just being nice. It's because you have come to the conclusion that it's not right and that might have been because of an earlier mistake you have previously made that had to do with whatever you were doing. You realized that you shouldn't do it again.

     See, I didn't get to that point yet. Therefore, I am now in a really bad situation. The type where you seriously need to facepalm yourself against a metal pole or wood, you know whatever you prefer, until some sense had been knocked into you. Yup, it was that bad. You'll see, be patient, will you. Trust me, you'll freak out.

     "Lucas," Kyle hissed through the intercom. "You need to get out of there."

     "I know," I answered through gritted teeth with a clenched jaw. "But I have a problem."

     I see that you're obviously confused so we're gonna have to back track here a bit. Let's go to the part where I finished fighting Ghost and she was taken away. Yeah, pause it right here. Okay, now you should see me in walking down the street looking freaking awesome in my super suit.

     Unfortunately, this was the start of a domino effect to predicaments that changed everything.

     Press play now, please. Thanks.

     Clears throat.

     Have you ever messed up big time? Done something you shouldn't have? Said something wrong? Had regrets? Maybe even...kind of...sort of happened to like be an hour late to a Valentine's date? Well, if you answered yes to any of these questions then you are definitely human. Whooh. Wipes forehead. Good to know I'm not the only one.

     Anyway, this is the part of that really annoying and unnecessary commercial we all hate and find oddly amusing at the very same time. It's the part where they not so subtly imply that the product could possibly lead to your death. Yet, apparently at the same time, it could make your life tens time better. I know, weird logic. But lucky for you, I'm not going to include all the side effects. Maybe because I was lazy or maybe because there was no product.

     Yeah, spoiler alert. I'm wasting your time.

     Actually, that's not true. We all know you'd rather be doing this than homework or any work for that matter. Let's face it, procrastination sucks but it's the best at the same time. Yay, some more weird logic. Now I should probably stop ranting about the most random thing and just get to the point. If you haven't realized it by now I was late. Like very late. Kind of like...super late. Puts hands up in surrender. I had to guys. That joke just won't get old.

     No matter how many times you like to believe it does, it will never.

     "Lucas," Kyle repeated in an irritated tone. He had been calling my name for a while now, trying to convince me to tell him my little secret. "I'll tell you who I'm going out with if you tell me!"

     I was standing in an alley quickly taking my mask and jacket off. Before stuffing them in my backpack I grabbed my beanie and put it on. I then wrapped my neck in a scarf and was sure to keep myself warm with a sweater. I knew from the scent of the air and pattern of the wind that it was going to snow. Don't ask me for details because I don't even understand these powers myself. Somehow I became a weatherman. That's right. I had a Temperature sense. If that makes sense. Ha, pun. But either way, it doesn't need to make sense.

     It's freaking powers. You don't question things like that.

     To elaborate on my newly found power I'm going to just tell you the basics. I smell the air and then feel the temperature with my sense of touch. Once I gather all the information from my senses I can conclude what the weather will be like. Now you should understand what the Temperature sense means.

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