Ꮚ Chapter 29 Ꮚ

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Ꮚ Chapter 29 Ꮚ

     Okay, I'm pinning the blame on you guys. I thought you should be aware of that since you probably don't think this is your fault. And you're wrong, per usual.  We all know I'm the idiot here and G-d only knows if Kyle can actually do a jigsaw puzzle let alone figure out what's up with this crazy YIN-YANG slash Oh my G-d it's actually my teacher! Slash, I didn't see that coming slash you were supposed to see that coming!

     You see how this is evidently your fault?

     I'm using big words to prove it. Like why else would I use freaking 'evidently'? Who does that? You know, when you really look at it, the word evidence is kinda there. So it makes sense because the evidence is like proof, right? The proof shows the truth in a twisted sense that can be called logic if you want to be smart like that and — wait.

     Why am I explaining this to you? I'm sure you already knew that. Or did you? Yes, I am freaking giving you a side eye stare right now. Someone should have prepared me for this! Was there even foreshadow? Hmm, maybe there was. I should check...but later. And no, not because I'm lazy. I happen to be fighting a wanted criminal, psychotic kidnapping murder at the moment so excuse me. Pftt.

     Wow. You guys can be really mean. But not always mean. I didn't mean it like that. Like you know? Ugh. What is wrong with me!? First I get all depressed and angry but mostly just pathetic. Then I started ranting to you about stupid vocabulary and now I'm scared I hurt your feelings. Wait... what. Ha ha. I'm not scared. That must have been a typo. It's supposed to say *not scared. My bad. Well, technically not my bad if you know what I mean. Wink.

     This would be really awkward if you don't know what I mean. For you, not me. I can handle myself in situations, unlike some people. Yeah, I'm pointing fingers. And yeah, I know that's bad manners. I only said that like maybe fifty times to almost everyone. But you know what? You probably don't so I'll have to tell you. I am rude! Mhm -mmm. Yup. I said it. We all already knew that anyway but I'm sure you needed my confirmation. Double Wink.

     I'm not even going to bother thinking about what Jenna's mom would reply to that because then I would think about Jenna. Sigh, I just defeated the whole purpose, didn't I? Now I'm thinking about her. I can't do that right now. I need to focus on the crazy freak in front of me.

     Insert that long, annoying, dreadful, jump off a cliff sigh.

     I might just be going crazy. Well, at least I'm not going on a killing spree. Did I just hear a chorus of groans that seemed to be lacing with disappointment? Sorry, not sorry. What I am sorry for is being so theatrical before. To be completely real I don't think I have the stomach for killing or even heart for that matter. Aha! I'm just too funny. Gosh, thank the lord I'm starting to cheer myself up a bit. You too. Thanks for being here for me.

     Ew, this is getting too emotional. I am so not ready to start crying again. Clears throat. Onwards with the story.

     "Well, this was a bit predictable," I drawled out sarcastically once I knew I was ready to begin fighting. An acceptable amount of healing? Check. "I'm sure every conscious or even unconscious guy here knew that you were some old creep. This is textbook material."

     Oh, pun! You know, since he's a teacher and all. Damn, I never realized how hilarious I was until now. Actually, that's not true. I always knew I was the most amusing person this world has to offer. It's a pity that not everyone is aware of that. Truly unfortunate. 

     "But I still don't understand your psychotic reasoning," I steadily got up and went on. "Either I'm not psycho like you. Which I believe is a given. Or you suck at explaining which would be kinda bad for the people at Skyline high school. There's always the fact that you didn't fully elaborate. Or get this!"

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