Chapter 14. Game On

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Chapter 14.

I concentrated on picking myself up with my telekinetic abilities. The last time I had tried this was with my dad, I probably would have either broken my leg if he hadn't caught me.

Making myself fly was much harder and scary then I would have thought. I had to balance between lifting too much and getting whiplash from the acceleration or not enough and going nowhere. I had to balance where I was lifting so I didn't end up spinning or circling. Not to mention that if I focused to hard on lifting one part of my body, I could easily rip it off and none of us knew if we were capable of growing new limbs, and no one was volunteering to be the first to try.

After a few tries I was successful in a balanced flight circling over my little teaching group.

"Very good Julia, you are learning much quicker than I expected." Jonny smiled at me from the ground.

"Yes, you are making great progress, we have one last task for you." Kayla said motioning me back to the ground. "We need to give you a strength test, you need to lift that rock."

I turned around to face the massive boulder that had sat in the middle of the field for the past couple millennia.

I gaped at them for a moment before I saw they were serious about me moving it. I turned all my focus onto it and resisting the urge to stretch out my hands, I pulled upwards with every telekinetic muscle in my body.

I so badly wanted to focus my energy with my hands but they had taught me that I should never use my hands when my mind was doing all the work. This was mainly because using my hands showed my move to my opponent, and secondly because if I got used to using my hands, I would only be able to handle as many objects as I have hands, which would be two, and very not enough in real combat.

I clenched my teeth together and leaned into it. I felt the blood surging through my veins and pounding in my temples from the effort. I let my palms rotate toward the boulder and visualized the stone leaping up from the ground. To my delight, the rock quivered and shook before it separated itself from the dirt. I took a step closer and pushed it up more. Soon the boulder was a couple feet off the ground. I smirked and let it drop two feet over from where I had picked it up.

Applause burst out around me. "That was amazing Julia, do you understand what I have been saying now? Just because your mother wasn't elite, doesn't mean you are less. The elite gene is dominate, you are just as capable as the rest of us, if not more." Henri said smiling down on me.

"More? How can I be better than you? I'm a dilution not an improvement." I replied thinking back to my father's harsh, yet softly spoken words.

"Because of the odd nature of the the drug, it wants to improve itself, but the only chance it has to do that is in the next generation. This is why your father was able to mind-drift like Kayla and you can as well, correct?" Lynn said as more of a statement than a question.

"Yes, and I can use my telekinesis while drifting." I informed her.

"You see! Your father was more powerful than any one of us, but you, you are just as powerful, if not more than your father. You're not 50% elite, you're 150%." Lynn said.

Switching topics she continued. "We have taught you all you need to know, so now we must leave. Good luck and remember, somethings must happen for the benefit of the future. Don't be too hard on yourself."

They all gave me a hug and then joined hands. With a quick smile they vanished.

Literally five seconds after they left my phone rang.

"Hello!" I said with a fake cheery voice.

"Hello, is this Julia Kirk?" A deep voice asked in a menacing tone. I felt my face pale and my blood run cold through my veins.

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