Chapter 4: A Little Love Story (Part 1)

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Okay, change of plans.  A Little Love Story has 5 parts. Here's part 1. I hope you enjoy this, JKH. =3


"Kim? Kim! Where could she be hiding this time?". Eunice looked around frantically.

"Hehe...". I laughed quietly.

"I heard you! Come out, come out wherever you are!"

"You'll never take me alive!". I teased.

"Gotcha!" Eunice pulled the invisibility cloak I was hiding in and smiled. "I win!"

"Don't you always."

Oh no! Oh dear God no, I'm so, so sorry. I forgot to introduce myself! Better late than never...

Hi! I'm Justine Kim Hong. Age 16 and ranked #2 in my group, Winter Roses. You know about the Winter Roses, right?  You should!  We're like the girliest group in the planet!  Right, of course, you know.

That's my best friend, Eunice.  People say she's kind of creepy because of her power of death (Now, that I think of it, it is kinda creepy.) but I don't care.  We're a perfect pair!

"I don't understand why you like playing these games, really."  Eunice said casually.

"I'm sorry!"  I smiled.  "I can't help it!  I'm in hyper mode!"

If there's one word my close friends call me, it's 'mischievous'.  I'm always annoying people, flashing stolen shots...poking people sometimes.  There's also hide and seek. =3

Oh, and my power is calculation.  I can know everything about a certain person just by sight - their weaknesses, their strengths and their secrets.  KInda lame but it is advantageous during battles.  Hyper mode is whenever my energy is at my highest.  During this time, my calculation's the strongest and only a few can stop me.  It can last from a few minutes to an entire day!  Nothing specificially triggers it but it happens occasionally.  Sometimes though, it's just plain annoying.

"Here we are."  We finally arrive at my classroom.  "I sometimes wish that I could be in your group."

"Pfft..I wish I was in your group." I say before getting in.

"Trust me.  You'll regret saying that."

Eunice's classroom is the farthest among all.  I guess only Group G and H have seen it.  She walked away as I stood there in wonder.  Interesting...


"Good morning, Winter Roses!"

"Good morning, Kathleen." We all greeted back.

Kathleen's our class president.  Our teacher's often absent so Kathleen takes over.  She's super smart and pretty and has a really cool power!  So unfair...Anyway, like usual, class started.

"Group E, I'd like to talk about the Mutare Faciem Spell."

See?  It's this kind of crap that Kathleen says that makes everyone go to sleep.  Like usual, everyone starts yawning.  Some are already asleep, I try to stay awake.  Jordan and Eliot are fast asleep already while Cerwin (I think...) is trying one of Cerelia's escape tactics.  Oh, and it works!  Kathleen...didn't notice a thing.

"What the hell is...that?"  I asked.

"Mutare Faciem.  It's Latin for Alter Characteristics.  In short, shapeshifting.  Shapeshifting is a special and difficult art to master.  Only a few can do it.  Most of the time, the case is hereditary.  Some people can shapeshift into certain objects.  Since we ourselves cannot shapeshift.  Today's lesson is recognizing something real and a shapeshift."  Kathleen explained.  "Let's start."

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