Lithium and Nyxium

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   Lithium watched over the city, bustling around and enjoying the daylight. He couldn't blame them, he was enjoying it too.
   The day surely was one to remember. The powder blue sky was dotted with wispy strands of cloud, the sun was neither beating down torturously nor depriving Earth of warmth, but finding the nice balance in between, and there was just enough of a breeze to put a smile on a commuters face.
   It was Lithiums best day in a while.
   Lithium sat on the top of the tallest building, breathing in the fresh air as he observed the city below. It was his way of unwinding, after a day of whizzing about like a hummingbird, planting flowers in gardens, jumping in stream, and running around parks.
   In fact, if Lithium could remember correctly, he had even taken the form of a hummingbird a few times. He loved the little creatures.
   But all days had to come to an end, and sadly, dusk was approaching soon. The least Lithium could do to celebrate the end to such a perfect day was sit here, wind dancing through his pearl white hair and the setting sun sparkling in his meadow green eyes, and watch as the light of the sky dipped below the fire of the horizon.
   Lithium sighed in content as the light of day slowly began to fade, counting down the minutes until night. Almost as if cue, the moment the sky began to show hints of the deep blue of night, Lithium turned around to see he had company.
"Nyxium, right on time." Lithium greeted with a wide smile. "As always. I'm jealous of your punctuality."
Nyxium didn't respond, or even smiled. Lithium wasn't fazed. He had long grown used to Nyxium's cold behavior. But, as the only being of their kind, the two were meeting quite a lot.
"It's been a beautiful day, wouldn't you agree?" Lithium continued cheerfully.
"I wouldn't know." Nyxium responded, no emotion in his voice. "I was-"
"No, no! Let me guess!" Lithium interrupted gleefully. "You were... In a forest!"
"Cave diving!"
"You were-"
"I was at a museum." Nyxium interrupted dryly.
"Really? What kind?"
"And people think you're boring." Lithium smiled. "I think you should socialize more. Get a Facebook, join a dating site. People love artistic, brooding types."
"You're not funny."
"My Twitter followers say otherwise." Nyxium sighed, and stepped to the edge of the building. The toes of his combat boots sat above stories of nothing but empty space.
   Nyxium was Lithium's polar opposite, even in appearance. His hair was as black as the eyes of a mouse, a poetic comparison Lithium was sure he would appreciate.
   His eyes were always unfocused, staring off into the horizon. On the rare occasion Nyxium seemed to be completely present in the conversation, he would stare at Lithium with deep blue eyes the color of the evening sky turning to night with a look of analysis, like he was trying to figure out what made Lithium tick. Lithium could swear he saw stars in the middle of Nyxium's eyes.
   No matter how still the day, Nyxium's leather jacket always seemed to be fluttering in the wind. All of his clothes, from his jacket, to his shirt, to his jeans and boots, were an ink black.
   Lithium smiled. Through the centuries, Nyxium had always been represented as an evil and malicious being. However, he was simply very... poetic, that was the word. Nyxium saw the world in a different light, and described it in words that flowed together like honey, and just as sweet.
   "The sunset." Nyxium muttered. Lithium directed his attention towards the horizon, where the sun was about to slip into darkness. The sky was like an array of water color paints, creating a fire of intense color.
   "Another end to a wonderful day." Lithium smiled.
   "And the beginning of a beautiful night." Nyxium returned, his lips twitching slightly before he leaped of the roof and into the clear air of dusk.


This was just an introduction to the two main characters, but I had fun writing it. If you liked it, leave a review! I'm always open to ideas, and I will try to bring another update soon.

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