Time For Plans

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"Are there any cameras in here?" Nyxium asked, looking at Richard. However, it was Fleur who answered.

"No, all of the electric currents are accounted for," She replied. When the other three looked confused, she explained. "Electricity is technically a natural phenomenon in the form of lightning, and since I am, as you said, 'The Queen Deity', I can sense it. All of the electricity I can sense is around lamps and heaters, no cameras... surprisingly."

"Dad hates cameras in his house," Richard explained. "He refuses to put them up. Although if Karine asked, I'm sure he would."

"I hate it when Karine whispers to people," Nyxium complained. "It's not fair, or even morally okay. Then again, Karine isn't too big on morals."

"When she... whispers?" Richard asked. "What's that mean?"

"I forgot how confusing everything we say is to mortals," Nyxium shook his head. "Whispering is what we say when Karine convinces mortals to do things. It's a very complicated concept, and only she has that ability. Although in theory..."

"Stop your conspiracies!" Lithium snapped, annoyed. "We have work to do."

"Fine," Nyxium surrendered, putting his hands up in defense. "I'm just saying. Anyways, once someone is under Karine's 'spell', so to speak, you can't get them out."

"Oh," Richard said quietly, looking disappointed. Mulligan seemed to sense her sadness and licked her hand.

"Don't worry, Karine usually leaves them alone after foil her plans," Lithium assured her. "It's not like he'll always be under her control."

"Good," Richard smiled, looking relieved. "Now can we scheme on how best to kick Karine's ass?"

"Sure, but we need a pretty good plan to take her down," Fleur said. "We can't do anything outright violent because everything thinks she's just a nice mortal, and Nyxium doesn't want to have to go into hiding again."


"Ancient Greece wasn't too fond of him, or 'Hades', as they called him. And the Vikings thought he was a woman named Hel," Lithium laughed. "Or even when he got caught breaking into a store he didn't know was closed."

"That was an accident!" Nyxium blushed furiously. "I wouldn't be talking, Ra!"

"Stop arguing, ladies," Fleur scolded. "You're both pretty."

"So we can't do anything violent, not only because it would be considered assault, but because Karine is basically immortal," Richard said. "Could we get her arrested? Frame her for murder?"

"She'd probably use her magic on the cops," Lithium shook his head. "We tried that in the 1800s."

"Hey, remember when she seduced your son in an attempt to ruin his political career?" Fleur asked, looking at Nyxium. He scowled, thinking back to the incident.

"She should've had the decency to at least not put it on that Reynolds girl," He growled. "She was innocent, and my son was a good man seduced by a demon who wanted petty revenge. She didn't have to go and ruin his career. He could've been president!"

"The Reynolds Pamphlet," Lithium smirked. "You were fuming for a year. Didn't you try to break Karine's jaw before pushing her off a cliff?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Nyxium replied, crossing his arms and looking away. "I am a pacifist."

"So we can't kill her, or kill someone else and frame her, so what can we do?" Richard asked.

"Throw her in a hole and bury her!" Lithium volunteered.

"Tried it," Nyxium replied. Lithium and Richard laughed, but Nyxium looked dead serious.

"...You're joking, right?" Nyxium didn't say anything.

"Moving on!" Fleur interrupted. "There go three choices, and as Nyxium demonstrated, pushing her off a tall place won't stop anything. Also from past experiences we know poison, fire, and holy water doesn't work, and no Lithium, garlic and sunlight doesn't do anything. She's a demon, not a vampire."

"Do vampires exist?" Richard asked, genuinely curious.

"I knew a minor demon who couldn't go into the sun and liked the taste of blood," Nyxium recalled. "But that's all the similarities. Dracula was originally inspired by Vlad the Impaler, and the only vampire part of him was his love of death."

"Gruesome death," Lithium shivered. "I think I prefer vampires over Vlad."

"Ugh!" Richard threw her hands in the air in frustration. "In other words, humanity is screwed!"

"We can figure out something," Lithium assured, half to Richard, and half to Nyxium, who was pacing furiously. Mulligan was attempting to follow him in his tight circles, and only succeeded in making himself dizzy... if shade dogs can get dizzy.

"I'm going to lock her in an iron cage and throw her in the Mariana Trench," Nyxium growled. "So I can see if she would drown first or pop under the pressure."

"Calm down pacifist," Fleur joked. "We always figure something out."

"Not in the mood for laughter!" Both Richard and Nyxium snapped.

"Ooo-kay!" Fleur raised up her hands, mocking surrender. "Calm down."

"Calm down?" Nyxium laughed. "Karine might be about to start World War Three, and you want me to calm down?"

Lithium gulped nervously. It was just a day or two ago that he had been been the one panicking and Nyxium had been as cool as ice, like always. However, even Nyxium could lose it. When he did, it usually was less of what was happening at that moment and something else that had previously happened.

And even though World War Three was a probable reason to lose your shit, Nyxium had only freaked out like this a few times before. And a freaked out and angry Nyxium is someone you do not want to be involved with.

"C'mon Nyx," Lithium attempted to soothe Nyxium. "We need a strategic mind like you to beat her."

"Don't call me Nyx!" Nyxium snapped loudly, making everyone in the room jump. Mulligan whimpered and cowered under Fleurs legs. If looks could kill, even Karine would fail to regenerate. "Just... please."

"Nyxium," Lithium pleaded, his bright green eyes shining. "Please calm down."

Nyxium relaxed, taking a deep breath. His starry blue eyes stared out of the window, unfocused. "Sorry," He muttered.

As Fleur started to comfort Nyxium, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and jumped up excitedly. He spun around, a habit he had when he got excited. His hair flew up and down like miniature springs and his eyes lit up like stars.

"I have an idea!" He grinned.


Sorry, I just love describing an excited Nyxium. He's so cute!

Have a great day, thanks for reading!

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