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Nyxium could understand why some people preferred the day. The bright sky reminded him of oil pastels, which he had to admit made an amazing picture.
But the water colors of twilight? The charcoal of midnight? The inking of dawn?
Nothing could beat that canvas, not the brightest of skies nor the greenest of fields.
The dark air screamed past Nyxium as he whistled through the air and the pavement continued to grow closer by the second. His blood rushed through his veins, drunk on the freedom of the night. Nyxium closed his eyes, letting the overwhelming rush of adrenaline overtake him.
When the lights of the city once again entered his vision, he was no longer confined to the body of a human, but the form of a hawk as black as a crow, his favorite form.
He soared up towards the flashlight of a moon, almost smiling at the sight of Lithium waving.

Karine, on the other hand, was grinning from ear to ear. One could almost see the fire dancing in her iris's and the ashes in her long, smoldering hair.
Karine is no friendly spirit, no nymph or aura. She, to put it lightly, is a demoness. Countless times she has tried to overthrow the delegate balance Lithium and Nyxium work so hard to keep, by whispering into the ears of men and possessing their souls.
A real charmer, she is.

She hated the world, and everything in it. She despised Lithium, and even more Nyxium. She was a flame incapable of love, and so she had been since ancient times. She hated the way the sun came up in the morning, and detested the moon took its place. She loathed everything from the stars in the sky to the depths of the caverns.

Everything, of course, but death. Karine had existed almost as long as the universe, and was born with the dawn of humanity. She represented the darkest part of man's soul, the death of all life and the decay of of everything that would ever come into existence. She was the spirit of the fire that burned down the innocent, the spirit of all destruction.

And, to make matters work, she was restless. The comforts of the modern world had distracted her long enough, her head being filled with the lavish penthouses and extravagant furnishing. But now, as her claw like fingernails dug into the windowsill overlooking the city night, her mind was filled with only one desire: chaos.

And, for once, she had a plan.


Sorry, this one's a little short. I'm going to try to update again soon, but while your waiting, why don't you comment?

I'll wait.

I have no social life, only homework.

Please, I need friends.

Fine, I'll leave then. I see I'm not needed.

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