Karine's Plot Twist

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   Lithium arrived as a friend when Richard requested him to, after her tutor left. 

   "Karine will be home soon, but screw her," Richard said as he walked in. "She can't do anything."

   "Have you seen Nyxium?" Lithium asked, worried as he checked his phone. "He hasn't responded, and it's been hours since I texted him."

   "Calm down, I'm sure he's fine," Richard assured, although she herself was a little concerned. "Not even he can always be on time."

   "I'm going to call him," Lithium deciding, dialing his friends number. He put his phone to his ear and nervously paced as he waited for his friend to pick up.

   "If he doesn't pick up, don't worry," Richard advised as she went to get Lithium another slice of cake to calm him down. "He might just be sleeping."

   Lithium groaned and pocketed his phone as he got an answering machine message. He gratefully took Richard's offer for cake and began eating aggressively.

   "Stress eating, sorry," He spoke through a mouthful of cake. Richard laughed and grabbed her workbook for school and began solving some equations while Lithium watched her, occasionally giving advice. 

   "Nyxium sucks at math," Lithium commented, smiling a little. "Don't ask for his help, whatever you do."

   "Don't worry," She smiled as her pencil continued scratching on the paper. "I'm just saying, you're always mentioning Nyxium, even when he has nothing to do with the conversation."

   "So?" Lithium shrugged. "We're friends."

   "Even best friends aren't that close," Richard returned. "You totally have a crush on him."

   "Shut up!" Lithium blushed, shoving a forkful of cake in his mouth. "I'm just worried about him, so of course I'm mentioning him a lot."

   "You sound more like you're convincing yourself," Richard giggled. They both groaned when the heard the chime of an elevator, announcing the arrival of a certain demoness. 

   "Hey Karine-" Richard turned around to face her stepmother, then froze. Lithium, hearing this, turned around too.

   "Hello Riley," Karine greeted with a self satisfied smile. "I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine."

   Standing next to Karine, dressed in a suit and tie, stood Nyxium. His eyes looked glazed over, and he had taken the form as an older, but still good looking, man. 

   "Nyxium?" Lithium stood up, shocked. "What are you doing?"

   "He's with me," Karine smirked, placing her arm around his shoulders. "It's funny how easily the minds of people can be twisted around."

   "F*ck you," Lithium growled, eyes filled with fire that was usually foreign to him. "I don't care how immortal you are, I'm going to make you wish you were dead."

   "Nyxium, honey, he's threatening me," Karine purred, her voice sweet with magic. "I don't like it."

   Nyxium glared at Lithium, who took a step back. Through pure body language he frightened LIthium enough to keep his threats to words.

   "Burn in hell," Lithium whispered, his voice cracking like he couldn't decide if he wanted to strangle her or cry. 

   "Get out of my house," Karine asked, her tone the same as if she had asked him to get a cup of tea. One glance at Nyxium, ready to do whatever Karine requested, was enough to get both Richard and Lithium in the elevator.

   "What are we going to do?" Richard asked, worried. Lithium just shook his head, defeated. 



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