A Second Wedding

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Even though 'Team Lithium' had a plan that had a good chance of succeeding, Karine's plan was a hundred times more dangerous. Not just because of what its goal was, but because it was driven by emotion.

"Hey, honey?" Jonathan asked, turning to face his wife. Karine's limousine had also picked up Jonathan so the two could ride home together. After all, whispering only worked if she was close to the victim.

"Yes, Johnny?" She replied, voice dripping with magic that only she could sense. Jonathan ate it up like sugar, and you could almost see his eyes glaze over.

"I was talking to some of my family," He began, and Karine almost dropped her smile. "They were talking about how you and I had a fast wedding, and it didn't really feel official."

"What are you saying?" Karine asked, pretending to be hurt. "That we aren't officialy married?"

"No, not at all!" He reassured. "They just suggested we get remarried, now that we've been together for so long. I think it's a good idea. So our marriage feels more official."

"I don't know..." At this point she wasn't even putting on a facade, she was looking at how this would benefit her.

"I love you," Jonathan said, looking at her like a lost puppy dog. "I just want us to be together, and I think this will make us closer as a couple, and a family." 'Oh yes, Richard. That kid'.

Karine pondered her decision, mulling over the situation. Although few people knew, whispering isn't outright mind control. It was hard to make someone do something they were 100% against, and the more she went along with Jonathan, the easier he would be to control. And really, what harm could another wedding do?

"Okay," She agreed, smiling. Jonathan leaned in for a kiss, and she stiffened, but went with it. 'I don't want to be with this man'. She thought sadly.

When Karine came home accompanied by Jonathan, Richard seemed to be in a fairly good mood.

"Hey dad!" She smiled, giving her father a hug as soon as he walked out of the elevator. "How was your day?"

"Good, honey," He replied cheerfully, giving his daughter a kiss on the head. "I'm sorry your tutor got sick. DId you still have a good day?"

"Yep!" She grinned. "I met two new friends!" 'Four', she corrected herself mentally, remembering Fleur and Mulligan.

"Really?" Jonathan asked, pleasantly surprised his daughter had started socializing more. "What were their names?"

"Nyxium and Lithium," Richard had the urge to smirk at Karine, but didn't. "They're my age, and we went to the roller rink."

"I'd like to meet them sometime," He smiled. "As long as they aren't flirting with my daughter."

"They aren't, don't worry," Richard assured.

"Oh, yes!" Jonathan snapped, remembering something. "I wanted to tell you, Richard, that Karine and I are having a new wedding."

"A new wedding?" Richard asked, pretending to be surprised. Besides being a complete badass, she was an Oscar worthy actress.

"We were thinking about how we rushed into out first marriage, and it might be nice to have a more official event."

"That sounds like a great idea!" Richard smiled. "I think it would make Karine seem more like my... mother." She almost choked out the last part, but nobody noticed.

"You really think so?" Jonathan asked, genuinely happy.

"Of course I think so," Richard replied, hugging her father. Karine looked shocked, but hid it well. She knew from experience that fathers and daughters could be accepting as long as the other was happy, even if their spouse was a demon.

Of course, Richard didn't know Karine was a demon.

"I'm going to go make some plans for the wedding," Jonathan said, giving Richard a small hug and kissing Karine on the forehead. "Why don't you work on your studies, Richie?"

"Fine," She sighed, heading off to her room. "Only because you're my father."

"I'm going to go out on town, maybe to some shopping," Karine lied. Jonathan gave her a quick kiss.

"Goodbye honey, I'll see you tonight."

"Goodbye honey," She called as she left once more.

Nyxium was gliding around an empty lots on a pair of 'borrowed' skates. He had been alone out here for hours, and was now much more graceful and talented than before. And by much more, that meant he could go a full seven feet without failing spectacularly.

"Nice job," Karine said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I know," Nyxium replied, not even pretending to be surprised. "Practice makes not terrible."

"Just as cynical as ever," She snarled. "I'm surprised- no, shocked you don't help me. If I remember correctly, I'm not the only one with hatred for humanity."

"Shut up," He growled, coming to a halt a few feet in front of Karine. "What are you out here for? We already talked in the rink."

"You walked out in the middle of my sentence," Karine snapped, crossing her arms. "I think you can stand to listen to me talk."

"You're too boring," Nyxium said, turning around and skating to a bench. He began to undo the straps to his skates.

"Listen to me when I talk!" Karine yelled, causing Nyxium to flinch at the raw fury in her voice. "I deserve your attention just as much as that idiot primordial you talk with!"

"Except he hasn't attempted mass genocide!" He shot back. "And last I checked, you're working on the third World War!"

"Stop acting like such a bastard and act your age," She spit. Nyxium just smirked.

"Last I checked, I'm a teenager," He smiled, then snapped his fingers. In a fraction of a second he looked older, more around Karine's older age. His hair was still untrimmed, but he was taller and had more of an air of maturity. "Better?"

"Stop messing around!" She stomped angrily. "I can't believe you're centuries old. You act like a first grader!"

"Have you ever met any first graders?" Nyxium asked. "Or did you talk to them and then toss them into a fire? I wouldn't put it past you, demon."

"Oh yeah? Your little flower friend is a demon, but you hang out with her."

"Fleur's not a psycho." Nyxium shrugged. "I guess murderers put me off."

At this point, Karine was fuming and Nyxium had managed to keep his cool. The two were almost identical in some circumstances, but complete opposites when it came to how they handled their emotions.

While Nyxium could easily keep how he felt under lock and key ninety-nine percent of the time, Karine... well, trying to control her anger was like trying to stop an ocean wave.

And, like most upset teenagers, Karine went with her impulses.

This impulse move resulted in Nyxium getting punched multiple times, and Karine breaking her fingers. It took Nyxium a total of ten seconds to gain more control over the situation.

"Screw you!" He shouted, pushing her on the ground. "You've turned this into a kindergarten recess brawl."

Five minutes after Nyxium walked away, Karine was still laying on the ground. It took those five minutes to add one small detail to her plan.


Sorry if this was too Karine-based for your liking, but I think she's an interesting character. Anyways, thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day!

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