'More Holes than a Fishing Net'

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   "You don't even look twenty one!" Fleur scolded, dragging Lithium away from a table of alcohol. "

   "But I want to have a good time before the world ends," Lithium whined with all the maturity of an upset three year old. 

   "We'll figure something out," Richard promised, although her expression didn't look very promising. 

   "I just can't believe Nyxium would make a plan with so many holes," Fleur complained. "I mean, what are the chances she would actually do the paperwork again? Wouldn't they just fix the papers if something did mess up? What if people thought a second wedding was stupid?"

   "He was distracted!" Lithium defended. "He had a lot of stuff on his mind, not to mention the end of humanity."

   "Yeah, but one of us should've realized how faulty the plan was," Fleur sighed. "We have only ourselves to blame."

   The three sat in silence, all alone in the small corner they had managed to escape to, a corner free of other guests. 

   Fleur was running different plans through her head, trying to get the group out of the bind they were in. But each plan she immediately shot down, either because of Karine's immortality or her position as a wealthy American citizen.

   Richard was thinking of her parents, both her father's glazed eyes, or her mother's last message to her: I will see you again. She discreetly wiped a tear away.

   Lithium's mind was running through every battle they had won against the demon of evil, and in every situation he thought of, Nyxium was by his side. Nyxium would fix this, LIthium thought to himself. 'He's a genius'.

   Lithium was right. Nyxium was a genius, but his genius went beyond what any of them expected. 

   The three friends were all jerked out of their thoughts by a loud shout of curse words that Richard couldn't repeat. They unanimously ran towards the growing crowd. 

   "What the hell?" Lithium asked, trying to see what was going on. Triste, Richard's cousin, was the first to respond.

   "Karine kissed that man she came with!" They answered, electric blue eyes wide. "Jonathan is freaking out!"

   Ignoring her relatives, Richard pushed to the front, where Jonathan looked angry as hell and Karine looked like she was in front of an enraged lion (not too far from the the truth).

   "I can't believe your nerve to kiss some complete other man at our wedding!" He shouted, challenging even some of Karine's angriest moments.

   "Won't Karine be able to control him?" Richard whispered to Lithium, who appeared behind her to see what was going on. 

   "I don't know," Lithium replied. "Nyxium was the expert on this kind of stuff. But if she can, she's not doing a very good job."

   "You don't respect my family, you don't respect my daughter-" Richard beamed. "-and you don't respect me. I feel sorry for this man for getting in a relationship with a demon like you. The closest you will ever get to talking to me ever again is my divorce lawyer."

   With that, Jonathan turned around and stormed out of the building. His many friends and family followed to comfort him.

   Karine looked after him, eyes wide in a combination of shock and horror at what had just happened.

   "W-what?" She asked, but before she continue, she was interrupted by a fist to the side of her face. 

   "Bitch," Nyxium stated, glaring at the demoness. "Next time don't tell your enemy how your main weapon works."

   "What the hell just happened?" Fleur asked, looking around in shock.

   "Awhile ago, Karine made the mistake of telling me that whispering is not complete mind control," Nyxium smirked. "And not to mention how willing you were to kiss someone else in front of her husband."

   "W-what?" Karine stuttered, holding the side of her face where Nyxium fist had hit. "H-how did you-"

   "I was in control enough to do what you wanted me to do anyways," Nyxium explained. "ANd you went along with it! So, before you find out what the bottom of the ocean looks at through iron bars, I suggest you run to whatever hell hole you crawled out of."

   Karine's eyes flickered with defiance for a moment, but whatever courage she possessed was quickly smothered by the look in Nyxium's eyes. With a last glance around the room, she turned and fled in the opposite direction Jonathan went. With a snap of his fingers, Nyxium was back to a teenager.

   "Karine had a crush on you?" Richard asked after a moment of silence.

   "We dated a few centuries ago, but she never got over me," Nyxium answered. "And besides, everyone has a crush on me. People love artistic, brooding types."

   "I'm so glad you're okay!" Fleur shouted, giving Nyxium a hug. "I was so worried when your plan failed, but you still managed to think of a quick solution-"

   "Oh, I knew it would fail," He interjected. "That plan was crap. It had more holes in it than a fishing net. I just didn't think you guys would approve of this plan, even though it would probably work."

   "You asshole!" Richard cried out. "You made us worry so much, and you couldn't even give u so much as a heads up?"

   "You are too smart for your own good," Fleur sighed, rubbing her forehead like the entire situation was giving her a headache.

   This entire time Lithium was just staring at Nyxium, as if he was a statue of ice that would shatter any minute. As both Richard and Fleur scolded Nyxium for his 'irresponsible decision making', he noticed Lithium's shock.

   "You okay, Lith-" He began to ask, but he was cut off. Lithium ran up to him and almost knocked him over as he jumped into Nyxium's arms.

   "They're so cute!" Richard squealed as they hugged.

   "I missed you!" Lithium said as he held onto his best friend. The only reply he got was the only one he wanted: a kiss.

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