Lithium's Dream

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Warning- This chapter contains mature content. Although it is based on true occurrences in the world, it is not for anyone. If you are sensitive to the subject of kidnapping or rape, please avoid this chapter. Although it is only mentioned, it is still sensitive to some.

Viewer discretion is advised.

"I'm sure you couldn't have screwed up that badly!" Richard attempted to calm the pacing Lithium.

He had arrived in the morning, while Richard was still eating breakfast, and immediately told her that he was the biggest screw up currently alive. After making sure Karine and Jonathan really were out and about planning, then checking when Richards tutor was supposed to arrive, he turned into a nervous wreck.

"You weren't there!" He moaned. "I need impulse control. Damn it, he's going to be so pissed."

"What even happened?" Richard asked. "I'm sure Nyxium won't care, if that's who you're talking about. You know him, he's emotionless."

"You have no idea how badly I screwed up," Lithium was biting his fingernails nervously, a habit he detested. "He's going to kill me."

"You're immortal."

"He's going to try, I can promise you that," Lithium collapsed on the couch. "I can't believe I did that."

"What in hell could you do that could make Nyxium so mad?" Richard finally asked. "I can't help you until you tell me what happened."

"I kissed him," Lithium groaned. "I don't know why, I just went with my impulse, and kissed him. He ran off, I hid for hours in the park, then came here. In other words, he's probably mad as hell and I'm dead as hell."

"Dead as hell?" Richard questioned. "That simile doesn't make any sense... at all."

"That's the one thing you question about my entire story? My choice in metaphors?" Lithium asked. "Not why I am such an idiot?"

"No, I knew you two were going to end up kissing. I mean, you obviously liked him, you just didn't know it," Richard shrugged. "And don't worry, Nyxium was head over heals for you. For someone all powerful, you're certainly blind as to what's right in front of you."

"I don't know why you would think that," Lithium replied with a tone of disbelief. Richard rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Fine! If you don't think that he wanted you to, you can apologize for it next time you see him. Sound good?"

Lithium nodded and sighed. He couldn't believe his impulsiveness got him in trouble with his closest friend.

"We'll probably see him soon, anyways," Richard said through a mouth of toast. "We need to plan everything for the wedding day."

"Already did," Lithium pulled a few rumpled up pieces of papers from his pocket. "Nyxium likes it when I write our plan down in detail."

   "They're totally going to get together," Richard whispered to herself. "I can see it now."

   "Technically, we don't need to see him again... ever," Lithium noticed as he skimmed through his notes. "Although it's his plan, it's like he made it so if he wasn't here, nothing would change."

   For a few moments, both Richard and Lithium were nervously wondering the same thing: why would he do that? Then they dismissed it.

   "He probably wasn't thinking about it," Richard reasoned. Lithium nodded in agreement.

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