The 1800 Ball

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It was the 1800s in the new America, and a beautiful time to be alive. Snow drifted from the sky as it slowly darkened. Tiny pinpricks of light began to appear in the black cloth of the sky.

Bright ribbons of cloth danced on the dresses of ladies everywhere, and the tailcoats of men were just as ornate. As cliche as it seemed, love was in the air.

"Monsieur Nyxium, slow down!" A man laughed as he chased a familiar face through the streets, escaping the small minds in the dance.

"You'll have to catch me first!" Nyxium smiled, twirling around in the dark blue gown he had decided to wear on a whim.

The smile on his face stretched from ear to ear as the tall man ran up to him, throwing his arms around Nyxium's waist and whispering in his ear.

"Caught you," The Frenchman whispered, smiling. Nyxium found himself giggling as the alcohol found its way into his blood stream. The snow stuck in his messy hair as the two danced in the empty streets, free from the jeers of the bigoted citizens.

"Don't let go," Nyxium whispered, and the two were wrapped in a passionate kiss, with only the crows to watch.

"Hey!" Someone jerked the two back into reality, pelting them with a round of rocks.

"Au revoir, mon amour!" The man shouted, letting Nyxium free from his embrace. "May we meet again one day in the presence of open minds!"

It was with a heavy heat Nyxium waved goodbye, oblivious to the jeering village people until his lover slipped from his view. Only then did Nyxium turn and flee like a damsel in distress, tripping in mud and fighting back tears as he raced through the town.

He easily lost the small mob in the maze of houses, and was soon slumped against a stone wall in a haze of sadness.

"Mon amour," He whispered, lost in the memory. "My love."

"Hey Nyxium, I was looking for you!" Lithium waved, smiling. He was dressed handsomely in the 1800 style, which was greatly improved from Greek tunics. "I was wondering-"

He froze when he noticed Nyxium was wearing a dress. Nyxium buried his face in his hands, hiding his red face.

"You like nice-"

"Never mention this again!" Nyxium pleaded through his fingers. "Please, swear it!"

"Okay, okay!" Lithium raised his hands up in defeat. "I swear!"

Nyxium turned and left in the swish of fabric, leaving behind only footprints in the freshly fallen snow and the heart of a certain Frenchman as prove as his presence.

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