Roller Rink

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 Nyxium, surprisingly, had never been roller skating. Well, he says never, but never takes a new meaning when you're basically immortal. Let's just say the last time Nyxium had been on any skates was when the skate itself was made of animal bone and the skates were made from fur.

And that was ice skating! Nyxium was sometime painted in mythology as graceful and elegant, but that couldn't have been farther from the truth. Lithium and Richard, who were both actually fairly balanced, couldn't help but laugh as Nyxium fell every few feet.

The roller rink was a small place, but since it was a weekday and Richard was only out because she was homeschooled and her tutor couldn't make it, almost no one was there. In fact, they were the only people there besides a few adults. That meant Nyxium could be as clumsy as he wanted without worrying about running into something!

"Do you need help?" Richard giggled as Nyxium tripped again. Nyxium shook his head and slowly climbed to his feet, glaring at Lithium.

"Hey, it's not my fault you have no balance." Lithium laughed as Nyxium unsteadily rolled towards him. In one fluid movement, Nyxium kicked Lithiums leg out from under him before losing his footing and the two collapsed.

"Sorry, it's not my fault I have no balance." Nyxium smirked, causing Lithium to groan and Richard to also fall over, laughing.

"You're no fun!" Lithium complained, jumping to his feet. "You have no sense of humor."

"Richard disagrees," Nyxium motioned to Richard, who was still rolling in laughter. "Maybe you're just not smart enough to get my jokes."

"Ha ha, very funny." Lithium rolled his eyes. "So funny I forgot how to laugh."

Nyxium smirked... until he lost his balance and landed face first in the hard floor. "Gravity hates me!" He yelled, frustrated. Lithium joined Richard in laughter.

Their laughter was cut off by a someones ringtone. Funny enough, it sounded like the affect of Darth Vader walking on screen in a Star Wars movie. Richard sighed and answered her cellphone, visibly annoyed.

"What? No, I'm out with friends... No, we're not dating! We're at the roller rink. No, you don't have to- ugh." Richard hung up, looking pissed as hell. "My step mothers picking me up, sorry."

"Well if she's anything like the ringtone suggests, I can't wait to meet her." Lithium laughed brightly.

"She barely knows my name! And my dad always looks at her like she's made of gold and dipped in chocolate."


"Exactly!" Richard threw her hands in the air. "What does he see in her? She's just a stick in makeup and a dress." Richard angrily continued skating, and for the next few minutes, did nothing but rant.

Nyxium caught Lithium's eye and shrugged. Lithium winked. Nyxium groaned. Lithium laughed. (This has been: Facial Expressions with to Primordial Beings).

Lithiums laughter was quickly cut of when Richard pointed to to the entrance and announced her stepmothers arrival. Lithium looked, and froze. Nyxium, who was right behind him, attempted to stop... and tripped, falling to the ground. However, he jumped back up when he came to the realization who Richards stepmother.

"Hello Riley!" Karine smiled, an evil smile masked by bright makeup and flashy clothing. "Are these your friends-"

As Karine gaze met Lithium and Nyxium, her facade flickered, and for a moment, you could see the cruel demon underneath. However, she quickly recovered.

"Yes, Karine." Richard answered, unaware of the boiling tension. "This is Nyxium and Lithium."

"Oh yes, nice to... meet... them." She said through gritted teeth. "I would love to become better acquanted with them if you would wait for me in the car."

Richard looked like she wanted to protest, but demons can be downright terrifying if they try hard enough.

"I'll take up your skates," Richard offered, a little pale faced. Without taking their eyes off of karine, Lithium and Nyxium pulled off their skates and handed them to Richard, who threw them on the counter. She left, her sneakers in her hand as she escaped the rink.

People underestimate the power of pure tension, as it drove every other onlooker out the doors. Even the employees at the skate rental and snack counter retreated to the back room in fear.

"Congratulations on the marriage," Nyxium smirked snarkily. Karine answered him with one of her infamous glares.

"At least I have people willing to marry me," She shot back. "When was your last relationship, the 1700s?"

"Because mind control is considered love," Nyxium snorted. "I don't think you can get in a marriage without some form of magic involved."

"Stop bickering!" Lithium snapped. "What do you want, Karine? I doubt it's just the satisfaction of raising a daughter."

"The flower boy is right," Karine gestured to Lithium, who was slightly red in the face. "I do have a plan. And, unlike my other flimsy approaches to the issue, this one is good enough I'm not even going to try to kill you two."

"I'm honored," Nyxium replied, voice dripping with so much sarcasm it was almost hazardous to one's health.

   "So, I have a message for your little spiritual friends," Karine continued, ignoring Nyxium's snide comment. "When every pathetic human being is getting killing by their own weapons, remember that I warned you. You'll have no one to blame but yourself."

   "You think you're so evil, don't you? Well, reality check," Nyxium shot back, managing to look intimidating while wearing pink socks. "You've been making the same threats since you first set your dirty little feet on this planet. And you haven't succeeded. Not. Once."

   "Even you two can't save humanity from themselves," Karine snarled, as intimidating as a wild wolf. "Now leave, Lithium. The adults need to talk."

   "Whatever you need to say to him, you can say to both of us!" Lithium snapped, although he was quickly scared into submission by Karine's fiery glare. "Be careful, Nyxium."

   He grabbed his shoes before racing out of the rink, the gazes of two of the most powerful beings watching him leave. 

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