Window Enterance

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Nyxium was convinced that he had broken Richard. She was just sitting there, wide eyed and shocked, not saying a thing.

'Well damn it.' He cursed mentally. Mulligan was sniffing Richard curiously, like she was a dead animal. Not the greatest analogy, but Nyxium wasn't feeling over poetic at the moment.

"Holy hell." Richard muttered. "That is the coolest thing EVER!" She jumped up, and Mulligan started barking excitedly. "I can't believe you are basically a god!"

"Primordial," Nyxium corrected.

"Does that mean God doesn't exist?" She questioned.

"I don't know." Nyxium shrugged. "I can't deny, but I can't confirm. Lithium personally believes that God is the one who put us here on Earth."

"Oh my freakin thirty seven."

"Thirty seven?"

"Karine is a literal demon! I cannot believe that." She stopped and considered for a moment. "Actually, I can. So she's controlling dad?"

"Yes, but Lithium and I are working on getting rid of her." Nyxium nodded. "And we needed someone on the inside to try to monitor her."

"Well I can do that!" She volunteered. "What's your dogs name?"

"That's came out of nowhere, but his name is Mulligan. And he's a shade."

"A shade?" Richard questioned.

"That's what I was disguised as when I first came in. They're the souls of spirits that got lost in the shadow realm, and only certain mortals can see them. Karine usually just ignores them, and I didn't know you would be able to see Mulligan. Or me, for that matter."

"How does a soul get lost?"

"Sometimes auras and demons will capture souls and use them as currency in betting matches, and when they escape they usually end up in the shadow realm. Sometimes they just can't move on from their mortal pain and suffering and try to stay on Earth, but don't have the energy to become an aura."

"I'm getting a headache," Richard groaned, sitting back down. "Auras? Shadow realm? I can barely remember my vocabulary terms, let alone this."

"Don't worry, Lithium hates it when I go into terminology. He may be my counterpart, but he doesn't like talking about shades and stuff. That's my job."

"Does that job come with health insurance?" Richard joked. "If not, you should start handing out some resumes."

"What would I put on there? 'Can communicate with lost souls'? 'Knowledgeable in spiritual terminology'?" He laughed.

"So what do you need me to do?" Richard asked after a period of laughter. "I feel like I should be more useful than just acting like a babysitter for my demon stepmother."

"A babysitter that could save the world," Nyxium reminded. "But all you can do without putting yourself in too much danger is make sure she doesn't do anything too rash."

"That's it?" Richard asked, shocked. "Do you guys even have a plan?"

"Well... uh..."

"Oh my freakin thirty seven," She sighed. "If you two are the best shot this planet has at surviving then this world is doomed."

"Hey!" Lithium shouted in defense, appearing through the window.

"Hey!" Both Richard and Nyxium shouted in shock.

"How did you know where I lived?" Richard asked.

"I can sense Mr. 'Lord of Darkness's' presence," Lithium responded. "And I have a friend I would like you to meet!"

Fleur took her cue and swung her legs through the window, smiling. For a second Nyxium could only stare at her. Every day she got more beautiful... 'snap out of it!' He scolded himself. Fleur had that effect on everyone, girl or boy, human or mortal.

"Hello, I'm Fleur!" She greeted Richard, flashing her a giant, blinding white smile. "It's very nice to meet you."

"Uh... Oh, hi!" Richard stammered, snapping out of her trance. "I'm Richard, nice to meet you as well! Fleur is French for flower, right?"

Lithium smiled at Nyxium. Girls, right? He seemed to be asking. Nyxium chuckled.

"Anyways," Lithium cut off the Fleur and Richard's conversation. "I decided we need a plan. So, all major members of Team Lithium are gathered in one place to formulate a genius strategy worthy of my approval."

"Team Lithium?" Nyxium raised an eyebrow. "ANd you call me egocentric."

"Do you want me to get something to drink?" Richard asked, standing up. "My fathers at work and neither nor Karine will be home for a few hours."

"Water, please!" Both Nyxium and Lithium requested at the same time, causing Fleur to chuckle.

"I'm fine," She grinned. Richard left to where I assumed to be the kitchen, and the three inhuman beings sat down. Mulligan went and sniffed each one, but since Lithium was a being of light he couldn't see Mulligan. Fleur, on the other hand, absentmindedly scratched his head.

"How are we going to do this?" Lithium asked, a sense of worry and frustration plaguing his voice as he left behind his cheerful attitude. "We can't leave Karine with direct access to the Drachma Center. That would be like leaving a match in a room of gasoline-soaked dynamite."

"Why don't you just kill her?" Richard questions, handing both Nyxium and Lithium glasses of water.

"Someone's awfully morbid," Fleur laughed.

"Demons are weird when it comes to death," Nyxium explained. "Not all demons are evil, it just depends on their origin."

"Their origin?"

"I was getting to that. Their origin is what created them, and it can vary. Technically Fleur is a demon, but nature based deities are usually referred to as auras-"

"And most are huge pains in the ass!" Lithium interjected, frustrated. "They always cause disturbances on the spiritual level when making their little natural disasters."

"Ahem." Fleur scowled. Lithium smiled sheepishly.

"I said most."

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," Nyxium interrupted before the conversation got too out of hand. "Demons are basically concentrations of energy from living things. Fleur is an aura of, you guessed it, flowers, but also of nature itself. She's kind of like the queen deity. Karine is the incarnation of the evil of mankind. As long as that remains strong, she will regenerate and immediately heal if she is hurt."

"That sounds tedious."

"You have no idea."

"So," Lithium began, clapping his hands. "Any ideas?"


Oh my thirty seven I'm actually being productive.

Anyways, thanks for reading! I may be a little slow updating because I'm also writing another book. If you like this one, read Hunter on my _Invitucus_ account.

If you have any questions about the auras, demons, or anything else mentioned, ask me. I know, even I'm confusing myself.

Have a great rest of your day, no matter who or where you are!

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