Even More Socializing!

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When Lithium went to seek out Nyxium to see if he had noticed anything unusual, he was shocked to see him doing the unthinkable- socializing. Lithium was legitimately surprised to see Nyxium pleasantly chatting with a young teenage girl.

While approaching the two, Lithium took a closer look at Nyxium's apparent friend. She looked to be fifteen or sixteen, with long brown hair falling in waves down her back. Her skin was a dark caramal tone, and her eyes were like melted chocolate.

She was smiling happily, and Lithium couldn't help but think that Nyxium was taking his advice and talking to people who weren't either him or inanimate. And maybe flirting, but Nyxium hdn't dated since before the American Revolutionary War.

What was his kids name again? It was Alexander Samilton or something, if he remembered correctly. Lithium couldn't help but wonder how he turned out. Last he heard, he got in a small argument with some other politician. Probably turned out fine.

Anyways, Lithium momentarily forgot the current problem at hand and gave a ridiculous grin as he walked up to the pair.

"Why hello there." Nyxium jumped, shocked, when Lithium made his presence known. "It seems I haven't meet this fine young women yet."

"I'm Richard, and I haven't meet you either." She replied. "Are you two friends?"

"Yes," Nyxium replied through gritted teeth, glaring at Lithium. "Friends."

Lithium could almost hear Nyxium's unspoken comment. 'Friends who don't stalk other friends and don't make fun of them for socializing'. As you could probably tell, Lithium found Nyxium's attempts to make friends hilarious.

"I'm Lithium." He grinned, ignoring the admittedly scary being shooting daggers at him.

"Like the mineral?" She asked, to Lithium's amusement. Although he couldn't tell her for obvious reasons, an old (emphasis on old) friend of his named Johan August Arfvedson had named the mineral after him because it sounded cool.

"Yes, exactly like the mineral." Lithium grinned as Nyxium snorted. "And I am very please to meet you. Any friend of Nyxium's is a friend of mine."

Nyxium sighed. This was the same thing that happened multiple times when Lithium happened to meet him with a friend. Before long, everyone involved was hanging out at some pizza place around the corner. Okay, maybe the pizza part wasn't so bad.

The thing that got Nyxium mad was that this was the only time Lithium would hang out with him past a couple of sentences and jokes. Every time Lithium met one of Nyxium's friends, he suddenly wanted to be nowhere else but around the friendship.

'Oh gosh.' Nyxium realized to himself. 'I sound like a jealous ex girlfriend.'

"So why are you here, Lithium?" Nyxium asked, deciding to leave his thoughts behind.

"Remember our friend we were talking about earlier?" He asked. "Well, I heard that she was back in town and I wanted to know if you had heard anything about where she was or what she's up too." Nice cover up story flower boy.

"No, I haven't heard anything yet. I guess we'll just have to wait to see if she decides to do anything big."

"So until then let's hang out!" Lithium suggested, grinning widely.

'Called it.' Nyxium thought, sighing inwardly. 'Weren't you just freaking out about Karine like, yesterday? And now you suddenly want to arrange a playdate?'

"I'm not busy." Richard shrugged. Lithium looked at me with begging eyes.

"Sure." I sighed. "Since you asked so nicely. What do you want to do?" Lithium thought for a moment, then smiled slyly.

"Say..." He began. "Have you ever been to the roller rink downtown?"


Do two short chapters count as one long chapter? Eh, sure.

Anyways, thanks for reading! I'll try to update again soon, but the more feedback I get, the faster I post. So tell me what you think and I'll do my best to respond!

Until next time,

Social Loner

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