Karine's Rise

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Something was wrong, Lithium could tell.

It was a little after midnight, and the sky remained clear and the moon and sky shined like diamonds in a box of coal dust. The trees above the long dirt path Lithium had decided to take a stroll down were strewn in shadows, but that wasn't what bothered him. He had troubles sleeping, at day or night, and would often walk down dark paths, nothing new. Everything was in place.

But though the centuries, Lithium had developed a sixth sense. Despite his carefree nature, he was not naive. And above all, he listened to his instincts.

Lithium whirled around, sensing another presence. He relaxed as a black hawk swooped from the trees and, as approaching the trail, morphed into the being who was Nyxium. The relief was brief, however, as Lithium immediately noticed the look on his face.

"You feel it too?" Nyxium asked. LIthium, wordless, nodded. "I thought it was just my paranoia."

"No, something's definitely off." Lithium agreed uncomfortably. After a moment's pause, he spoke the idea on both beings mind. "Have you seen Karine lately?"

Nyxium shook his head grimly. "She must be up to something."

"Are you sure it's just not some minor aura?" Lithium suggested. "They get stirred up every decade or so."

"You know better than that, flower boy." Nyxium chided. "Most aura's are peaceful, and the odds of enough of them for enough negative ones to get together to create such a disturbance are extremely thin."

Lithium's face paled, his mind racing with all of the times Karine had attempted to overthrow the balance between their two powers. One of the most recent resulted in a little skirmish commonly known as World War II.

"Do you have any idea where she is?" Lithium asked. Nyxium, once again, shook his head, a grave expression on his face.

"I don't know what we can do unless we find her. I guess we'll have to wait."

"Wait?!" Lithium shouted, panicked. "Wait for what, a mass genocide? You know what happens when Karine puts her mind to destruction!"

"Lithium." Nyxium interupted, still calm. "We can't do anything if we don't know where she is or what she's doing. Stop getting riled up."

"Yes, I'm getting riled up because I don't want humanity to be destroyed! Do you remember the Crusades?! Because I do!"

"Fine, what do you want to do?" Nyxium said, throwing his hands into the air exasperated.

"I-..." Lithium trailed off, then sighed. "You're right."

"Of course I am, now listen." Nyxium replied. "I have some friends-"


"Associates in the spirit world that I can get to keep a lookout. In the meantime, I need you to be wary."

"Okay, I'm good. I'll get Fleur to spread the word Karine is around again... and you're sure it's her, right?"

"I am literally the incarnation of darkness, Lithium." Nyxium responded, meeting Lithium's eyes. "I know what death feels like."

And as if proving his point, he turned and disappeared into the shadows on the side of the trails.

Have you ever seen somebody so beautiful, that you can do nothing but stare? Their grace and elegance just completely numbs your senses to a point that not even a natural disaster could move you?

The rooftop garden was particularly beautiful on this day. The flowers seemed to glow, their stems made of emeralds and petals of rubies and sapphires. Butterflies flitted around and other insects peacefully roamed, and the scene was as serene as a tapestry woven from the songs of bluebirds.

In the middle of the garden sat a teenage girl tending to the flowers. Her long, curly hair fell around her shoulders in the color of gold, and her eyes seemed to be a piece of the sky above. Her skin was fair and smooth, and her clothes, although casual, complimented her features perfectly. She wore a pink blouse and worn blue jeans held up with a brown leather belt, along with a pair of flats that looked to be mad of pure gold. And, of course, she was stunningly beautiful.

She sat down her watering can and held out her hand, which a butterfly settled down on, resting its emerald jade colored wings, which seemed to shine in the rising sun.

"Hello." She smiled slightly. "And what do I owe this visit?"

Within mere seconds, the butterfly was gone, and Lithium was sitting next to the girl.

"How do you always know it's me, Fleur?" He asked, smiling.

"You're always green." Fleur smiled. "And it's very nice to see you again."

"Sadly, I come bearing grave news. I need you to do something."


I tried to make this chapter a little longer for your viewing pleasure. In return, why don't you comment! It's not like I have a social life, so I always read what you have to say.


This is my entire life.


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