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Just remember ich bin besonders. (Ich bin besonders = I am special)

ThePanda_101: Mwa ha ha ha ha!

JordanOliver: go away. I don't want to talk to you.

ThePanda_101: 😢

JordanOliver: stop. Just stop.

JordanOliver: you are so annoying sometimes.

ThePanda_101: SOMETIMES?! I'm only annoying sometimes?

JordanOliver: stop insta chatting with me.


Jordan POV:

I need to stop blocking her. Jeez. I have a problem. And besides, I'll probably unblock her in an hour or so.


Well I already miss her sarcastic and German messages. That was quick. Wow. Is it healthy to be this attached to a person's personality? It's been 1 minute.


I can't stop thinking about her. My love. My bed. I need donuts. It's been thirty minutes.


I unblock her. It's been thirty-one minutes.


The first text I get is a weird one.


ThePanda_101: ich werde dich jetzt mit duetsch spam (I will now spam you with German)

That was the text I received exactly one hour after I blocked her.

That was the text I received exactly one hour after I blocked her

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Dun dun dun!!!

Dear Enemy, I Am Sorry (DEIAS #1)Where stories live. Discover now