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Your POV

I've never really paid attention to my neighbors. It was just a followed schedule. Get up, eat breakfast, get dressed, brush my teeth, brush my hair, get to school, learn, get home, get on social media, do homework last minute, sleep, repeat. Yep. A followed schedule.

It was a Wednesday, so it was the time to walk home with my friend, Ashley. It was a 30 minute walk from school to home. "So, what do you have for homework" I said, trying to keep away from the awkward silence. "Oh, I have science, English, and math" Ashley responded. "Oh, cool," I said.


We turn on a curb to see my friend's house. I dropped her off at her house and bid her a farewell and walked all the way home, alone. The walk home is, obviously, boring. I stopped at a nearby bench, put my bag down, and took a seat. I enjoyed the shade. I closed my eyes and listened at the cars whizzing by, people stepping on to the concrete. A few minutes pass by and take my bag and leave for home.

I see my elementary school up ahead and decided to stop by there and greet my old teachers there. I stop by a classroom and and greet my 5th grade teacher hello, but to find a woman standing there. She had short brown hair, brown eyes with glasses and formal attire. "Oh, excuse me, but why are you here?" The woman said. "I'm here to greet T/N hello, but s/he doesn't seem to be here" I respond. "Oh, s/he went to get something and s/he will be coming back". I turn around and accidently bumped into a tall man in a suit. I looked up to meet his gaze. "SORRY! I didn't look where I was going." "..." He didn't respond and looked straight at the woman and walked past me. "Sorry" I whisper silently. (A/N: Would Jumin actually do this? Idk) I continue to walk for different classroom.

I head back to my 5th grade teacher's classroom from my (yes, I know 6th grade is for middle school but here it's kindergarten to 6th grade,but let's pretend that 6th grade is still elementary) 6th grade teacher's classroom to see if T/N came back yet. I find her/him to be sitting at her/his desk and the man and woman gone. "Oh, hello Y/N" s/he greeted. "Hi, T/N. May I ask who was that woman and man that was just in the room a few minutes ago" I asked. "Oh the man is Jumin Han, heir of the C&R International company and Jaehee Kang, the assistant. They came here to talk about jobs" s/he stated. 'Why would a rich business man come to a public school and on top of that, wouldn't the kids be bored?' I thought. "Oh, okay. Well got to get back home. Bye!" "Bye!"

I was a couple steps away from my house when I saw a man with blue hair at my door. Me, being defensive as I am, grabbed my keys and put it between my fingers with the the part you insert the keyhole in sticking up and got close to the man while keeping my distance. (A/N: I know nobody would do this but this is fanfiction and in the game you basically went into random stranger's apartment. So yeah.) "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?!?!" I shouted. The man jumped and started looking around for the noise that it came from. He had sunglasses that covered his eyes, but from the distance I could tell he looked scared from underneath this glasses.

"Is this not the apartment" he asked calmly. His voice was calming. "What apartment!" I yelled, not letting my guard down. "I'm assuming it's not. Sorry to bother you, but can you le-" "V!" he was cut off by a red head with yellow and black glasses with a red shirt and black and yellow jacket with jeans running towards him. He ran past me and over to the guy named V. Well that's what he was called. That's an interesting name.

"I was worried something bad happened to you because one you're blind and two I am around the corner where I CAN'T SEE YOU" he said worriedly.'he's blind? That explains why he said the apartment.' I thought to myself. "Um..... Hello?" I said, confused. "Who are you?" The red head asked. "First of all I shouldn't say my name to random stranger trying to break in my house and two who are you is the question" I asked tough. "Exactly, that's my question" he responded. "What..." "What" "Okaaaay, please explain to me why you are here or else I'm calling the police." I threatened.

"Okay, okay, chill. We just wanted to go to an apartment in this neighborhood but it looks like this guy got lost," the red head explained. "Oh, do you need help, are you guys new to this neighborhood?" I asked lowering my guard just a little bit. "Yea, um, can you lead us to (insert apartment address)?" he asked "Oh that's just right next to my apartment" I chirped. "That door right there!" I pointed to the door a couple steps from mine. "Thank you," V said. I saw the red head go on his phone and tapped away on his phone. He continued on his phone and walked with V to the next door. 'Very strange' I thought to myself. I shrugged it off and pull out the keys from between my fingers and put it in the keyhole and turned the lock and went inside my home. (A/N: god this was a long paragraph)

This was one of the days where I ACTUALLY finish my homework. I took out phone to watch on YouTube. I open up my phone to find something different in my apps. There was one app added to my phone. It was grey and it had golden letters saying RFA .I checked my notifications to see what has been downloaded. 'R....F....A...., What is that' I thought in my head. I hold on app to uninstall it, but it doesn't have the uninstall option. "Hmm... Weird" I whisper to myself. I decided to check out the myself. I tap on the app and it started loading. Once it stopped loading, the words, enter username, I thought to myself a username. I laughed at thought of putting unicornfartsparkles, but I didn't. I thought of MC because I thought it would stand for mysterious character.

I thought about my username but then I finally settled for U/N. I pressed enter and it led me to a home screen with circles. One big circle said chatroom and surrounded by the words Rika's Fundraising Association, and two small ones that said phone and messages. I press on chatroom and look at the chatrooms. There was one chatroom with the title  Failing my Midterms. It had a picture of a blond boy with brown pins on his blond bangs. I tap on the chatroom and entered in it

U/N has entered the chatroom

A/N: YAY, my first chapter. Anyways I need to finish my homework. See you next chapter! Also I know that MC doesn't stand for mysterious character so just a heads up

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