Welcome to RFA

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A/N: I probably going to look back this and just cringe. This chapter is just an introduction to RFA so basically the prologue of the game but just some changes to it so I can get to the point faster and so it could fit the scenario. So yea. ENJOY!

U/N has entered the chatroom

Yoosung: failed my Midterms fml...

707 has entered the chatroom

707: that's because you stayed up all night playing LOLOL smh

Jumin has entered the chatroom

'Wait, Jumin? As in Jumin Han. The guy I met at (insert elementary school name)?' I thought.

Jumin: Assistant Kang!

'Ok, that is definitely Jumin Han'

ZEN has entered the chatroom

ZEN: she's not here dumbass

Yoosung: wait there's something wrong in the chatroom...

ZEN: really...


707: Who downloaded the app on another phone?

Yoosung: Not me...

707: HACKER!!!

'Wha... I'm 13. I don't even know the basics of hacking'

Yoosung: sevwm di spmwthimg

Jumin: typos -.-

'What if I just say hello. Maybe that would disrupt the chaos'

U/N: Um..... Hello?

Yoosung: IT CAN TALK


Jumin: reveal yourself stranger

Jaehee has entered the chatroom

Jaehee: I heard something is the matter.

Jumin: I am calling V

'V, the blind guy?'

707: already talking to him

ZEN: Fast that guy

Jumin: reveal yourself, stranger

ZEN: lololololol so threatening. It might be a girl

U/N: Is that all you think about, that a random stranger being a girl, not every stranger is a girl.

U/N: I could be a 40 year old man waiting to kidnap someone

707:  luckily you're not

13 Year-Old Party Planner (Mystic Messenger)Where stories live. Discover now