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U/N has entered the chatroom

Yoosung: YAY! I get to talk to the planner

U/N: Planner?

707 POV


I take a look on my phone and check the messenger. Shit. Did I forget to tell her that she was the planner? I get on the chatroom and started typing.

707 has entered the chatroom

707: Oh sorry I didn't mentioned this sooner but you are going to plan parties

707: I was just excited to have a new member.

U/N: it's ok. So how do we get guests. Do we give out an announcement or what

707: we suggest the guests to you. If you persuade them enough to go to the party, they'll go.

U/N: OK, got you

U/N: OK I just wanted to know. Btw yoosung, we can talk later, but I gtg bye.

Yoosung: bye :'(

U/N has left the chatroom

Your POV

After I left the chatroom, I got bored and so I thought about watching anime. 'hmm, Yuri!!! On Ice? I have heard my friends talk about this anime. Might as well watch it' I thought about when I saw the title.

When I saw the first episode, I swear to god Viktor looked like Jihyun.

I was in the middle of the 7th episode until I heard a knock on the door. "I got it!" I yelled. I open the door and, as expected, Jihyun and Luciel were at the door. "Come in. You can sit on the couch," I greeted. They walked in and sat on the couch.

I skipped to the kitchen where my mom was cooking. "Almost done, sweetie," she assured me. I walk over to Jihyun and Luciel and try to start a conversation. I open my mouth to start a conversation, but then I thought came upon me.

"They're older than you, what do adults do to start conversation?" I thought. "So do you like Yuri!!! On Ice?" I blurted out. Luciel perked up. "What episode are you on!" Luciel asked. "I am on episode 7, in the middle of Yuri's performance" I respond. "Oooohhhh, you'll be in for a surprise," Luciel giggled. "Hey, don't you think Jihyun looks like Viktor?" I whispered. "That's why I call him 'V'. After Viktor," he whispered back. 'Oh, so it's a nickname." Luciel and I was laughing at the explanation of the nickname "V".

We were pulled from our laughing moment from my mom calling me. "Y/N, will you help me set up the table?" she called. "Excuse me," I excused. I walk to the kitchen to get the plates, spoon, and forks. I place 5 plates on the table, two on two of each side and one on one side. I place a spoon and a fork on each plate. My mom placed the main dish in the center. It was my favorite dish, (favorite dish).

I walked to Luciel and Jihyun. "Dinner is ready," I announced. "Alright!" Luciel exclaimed. They followed me to the table and seated them. Once they sat down, they started eating. There was silence. Then Jihyun spoke.

"So, Y/N, what do you do?" Jihyun asked. "Oh! I do ( Activity)," I answered. "That's so cool! How long have you been doing it?" Luciel sparked. "I've been doing for 7 years," I respond to his question. "She's amazing at it!" my dad complimented. "That's our little girl," my mom added on. "Thanks, mom and dad. And what do you do, Jihyun?" I asked, curious. "Uhm," he hesitated. "I am a photographer," he finally answered. "Oh, that's really cool! Do you have some photos I can see?" I exclaimed. "They're still at my house," he responded. "Oh, that's ok," I assured him.

We continued the conversation 'til 9:00. "Thank you for dinner," Jihyun thanked. "Yeah! The food was great!" Luciel complimented. "Thank you," my mom accepted the compliment. They gave a goodbye and shut the door.

707 POV

"Why did you lie about my name?" V asked me. We started walking to Rika's apartment. "She shouldn't know that you're V. At least not yet." I answered. "Why?" He asked again. "She already has the messenger. Everything is going fast for her. It's better for her to take it slow and understand before going ahead," I explain. "So now you take my advice about being stressed," V teased. I smirk as I punch in the number to Rika's apartment. I open the door and we walk in.

A/N: HOLY SHET!!!! 70 VIEWS ON MY BOOK. I COME BACK FOR FEW DAYS TO FIND THIS. Anyways, let me explain myself. So I had a dance competition on Sunday, so I didn't have time to write the draft for this chapter. Then Monday, I finished the draft and I brought it to my dance studio to type the chapter on while I'm waiting to get into the studio. But then I forgot it at the dance studio. But lucky thing is I had dance the next day but the bad news is I had it at 8:30 PM. So I didn't get to work on this chapter for a day. Then I had homework yesterday so I barely worked on it. I barely had homework today so I got to work on this chapter. I WON 3 AWARDS IN THE COMPETITION. THAT WAS THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY WEEK. Btw I chose 7 years because I have been dancing for dancing for 7 years. So yea BYE SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER!!!

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