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Your POV


"No, it's a clone," Seven said sarcastically. I chuckle and wave goodbye to my friend.

I open the door to the passenger side of the car. "So, I heard you auditioned for a spring musical for your school," Seven inquired. "Hm? Oh, yea," I said. "Do you know what it is about," Seven asked. "Yea, something about this girl named Veronica and she meets this guy named J.D and everything goes to hell after meeting him," I explain in the most simplest way possible. As we drove out of the waiting area, he laughed at my summary of the play.

"Well, you seem thirsty from the audition, let go get some Jamba Juice,"  Seven suggested. I laugh. "Why are you laughing?" he smiled. I explained about this dream I had. Basically, a guy similar to Seven takes me to Jamba juice but he put something in my drink that made me knocked out. Then, I wake up on a table and the guy injects me with something and then I wake up.

"Damn, that's dark," Seven said in a shocked expression. "I know right," I laugh. "Anyways, we're here,"  he announced. I look out the window to see that we are at Jumba Juice. I open the door and step out of the car. Seven, also, stepped out of the car.

We walked into the Jamba Juice and fell in line (although it was only 2 people in line). It was a small place. "What do you want?" Seven asked. "I'll have..... (Insert smoothie flavor here)," I answer. He nods and walk out of the line and took a seat and then pull out my phone.

A few minutes later, Seven took a seat next to me. "Let's talk about who we should invite to the party," he suggested. "Alright, who do you want to invite?" I ask. "Well, I saw this guy online who collects floppy disks and I want to invite him to the party and a friend of mine named Tom," he answered. "So, a friend of yours and a person who collects floppy disks?" I question his choices. "Yup!" he smiled. "Alright," I hesitated. "Just tell them to email me," I finalize. Our orders were called and left the small place.

We head back to the red car while sipping our smoothies. Seven unlocked the doors and we open the doors and ducked under the roof and took our seat. Seven put his drink in the cup holder and I hold my drink in my hand and continue sipping it. I hear the engine start and we back out. I pull out my phone and go on the messenger.

*Time skip because I'm lazy to put in text*

I exit out of the messenger with a new guest. His name is Rui and he's a photographer. V texted me that he'll email me in a few hours. "We're here," I look up to see my apartment. I grab my bags and step out of the car and slung (is that even a word?) my backpack on to my shoulder. Seven and I walk towards the apartment. We stop at the and I take out my keys. I put the key in the keyhole and turn it. Once I heard the the lock has been turned, I pull out the key and open the door. My parents won't home yet. I said goodbye to Seven and and close the door and locked it as he walked away.

I go upstairs to do my homework. Ugh. The school gives me too much homework.

About 30 minutes later into my homework, I hear the door open. "Y/N! Are you home?" my dad called. I head downstairs and gave him a hug. Then I head back upstairs to finish my one page left. I thought it would take me awhile but I am glad I am almost done because I wanted to go to the park nearby my house. I barely go there anymore because of homework.

After I finish the page, I pack up my things and head downstairs. "Hey, dad. I'm going to the park, you know, nearby park, Lake Elizabeth," I told him. "Ok, be home by sundown and be sure you are where everyone can see you," my dad said to me. What he means 'where everyone can see you', he means the playground because it's full of kids and adults are watching.

I grab my keys and phone and head towards the door. I open the door, lock it, and closed it and head to the park.

After 5 minutes of walking, I arrive at the park. I went to the biggest playground because I want to and I am willing to make some friends, even if they are way younger than me.

Once I arrive at the playground, I sit on the bench and just admire the lake a few yards away from the playground. Without the screaming children, it can be quite peaceful. Something or someone was tugging on my shirt "Excuse me, person," a voice of a 7 year old spoke to me. My eyes rip away from the lake and to this 7 year old kid with curly hair with freckles. "Er, yes," I said confused. "I lost my dads and I don't know where to find them," he looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Oh, you want me to help me find them?" I asked. He nodded. "What do your dads look like?" I asked so I know who to look for. "My daddy is tall, has brown skin, and black, poofy hair and my papa is short, has light skin, and long brown hair," he explained. "Do you know what their names are?" I asked him. "Daddy's name is Thomas and Papa's name is Alex," he answered. I nodded and got up from my seat and held out my hand if he wanted to hold my hand. He hesitated, but then he took it and we started looking for Alex and Thomas

"So, what's your name and how did you lose your parents?" I said curiously. "My name is Phillip and I lost them while we're playing hide and seek but then when I came out of my hiding spot, I couldn't find them," he explained. We kept looking until we heard a voice call Phillip's name. "Phillip!" a southern sounding voice called out. We both whip our heads around and Phillip eyes widen with joy. I looked for the source of the voice. It was a tall, brown skinned man with poofy hair and a figure beside him with smaller height than him with light skin man with long brown hair.

"Papa! Daddy!" Phillip exclaimed. He let go of my hand and ran over to the men. I follow behind him. "Oh, we were so worried about you," the smaller man kneeled down to Phillip's height and hugged him. "I assume that you are Thomas and Alex," I assume. They shifted their gaze from Phillip to me. "He asked me if I could help him find you," I explain. "He said that you were playing hide and seek and when he came out of his hiding spot, he couldn't find you," I continue. They smiled and thanked me. "Thank you for finding my son," the small man, I assume this one is Alex from what Phillip told, thanked me. I smile back and looked at the sun. It was about to set soon. "Well, it looks like I have to go, my dad says I need to be home by sundown," I said. "Uh, do you think you can come back tomorrow. Maybe around 1:30," Thomas asked. I raised a brow questioning their question. "Uh, sure, I'll see if my parents can bring my parents so you guys can talk while we play," I hesitate. "Great!" Thomas smiled.

I wave goodbye to the couple and head home. I take out my keys and insert it into the keyhole. I turn it and open the door. I pull out my key and head inside. My mom and dad were here. Good. I need to ask them about going to the park tomorrow. "Hey, can you guys go with me to the park tomorrow? I made a friend and the parents want me to come tomorrow at 1:30 and I want to make sure I don't get kidnapped," I explain to them. "Alright," they said.

I head upstairs when I got a notification. It was from the floppy disk collector, Seven's friend, Tom, and Rui. I enter my password and get on the messenger. I tap on emails and start writing back to them.

a/n: yay, I'm back and school is almost over. 3 more days left. The last part is pretty crappy. But that's because I'm tired af. Also about that Lake Elizabeth thing. It's not named after Elizabeth 3rd, it's based on the park I have here. And yes, there was jamilton shipping here. FITE ME. I REALLY NEED TO KEEP MY FANDOMS IN PLACE. ITS GETTING OUT OF CONTROL. Anyways, I'm really tired and sorry if there is any mistakes here. I didn't bother checking for mistakes so yea. Good night. Love ya.

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