Yay! Q and A

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WHOO here's the Q and A

The next few questions are from xSkylaXDx

Q: What was your inspiration to make this book?

A: It basically went like this

Me: *laying down on the bed* hey wouldn't funny if the protagonist of Mystic Messenger was 13. *Writes this idea down on wattpad*

Q: What is your favorite color?

A: blue, purple and pink. Will you accept 3 colors?

Q: Any thoughts about writer's block and how to avoid it

A: I don't have much writer's block, but I will eventually, but if I did, I would think about a day in you life that was interesting and build up from it. I learned this from my dad. If you have an idea and you don't think it's good, write it down and build up from it.



Q: Do you support Cheritz adding a V and Saeran route?

A: Yes because they need all the love they deserve. I don't really care if it is platonically or romantically as long they are protected

Q: Who is your favorite character from Mystic Messenger?

A: V and Yoosung

This question is from Shirayukino_Mitsuki

Q: When will you update the book

A: I have been asked this and I will update soon you just have to be patient. Stress was put on me from school and I wanted to take a break.

cookieeaternom asked a question

Q: What is the meaning of life

A: 42?

KageyamaLily asked a question. (I'm going to shorten it)

Q: What if Phillip's parents are part of Saeran's society or group and they were assigned to watch U/N etc.

A: I don't think I want to touch on the subject of Mint Eye in the story yet because I don't plan for the story to be too angsty and I want this book to be trigger free™, but I am planning to do something for Rika and Mint Eye, but I'm scared that it would be glorifies mental illnesses (from what I heard it means that a person can't just start having recovery once they have the person they love or something else). But then again I wrote that one chapter, but I hated it because it makes little bit uncomfortable now.

Well that all the questions I got during the days I've been making this q and a. Love ya! 😘😘😘

13 Year-Old Party Planner (Mystic Messenger)Where stories live. Discover now