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A/n: okay I did say that I was going to make a new chapter soon, but my schedule was thrown out the window so I will be updating at random times. Anyways. I NEED TO KEEP MY FANDOM IN PLACE ITS GETTING OUT OF CONTROL, I S2G. ANYWAY, CHAPTER, YEA.

I finish typing the email to Rui and pressed send. By far, Rui's email is the most normal email I've gotten so far. After sending the email, I see that a new chatroom has appeared and Zen was the only one in it. (A/n: okay so I went on Mystic Messenger to search for guests and so when I entered the game, a chatroom appear and I saw that V was texting me. Apparently it was one of one year anniversary chatroom. AND IT WAS SO SWEET AND I WAS ABOUT CRY RIGHT ON THE SPOT!)

U/N has entered the chatroom

U/N: Hey Zen :)

ZEN: Hey, What's up U/N

U/N: the ceiling

ZEN: ...

ZEN: Okay then. So, have you gotten any emails yet besides V's friend that emailed you.

U/N: Well, Seven suggested me that I should invite his friend Tom and a floppy disk collector. I also want to invite someone else I met at the park but I might ask in a few days because I just met them.

Zen: Ooooh, already getting guests huh, that's amazing.

U/N: hahaha, yep. Anyways, do you have anyone to invite?

ZEN: Hmm. Well, I was thinking I could invite the Zen's fanclub.

U/N: ...

U/N: there's a fanclub about you.

U/N: Should I even be surprised.

U/N: Anyways, sure I guess you can invite them, give them my email address.

ZEN: Alright, you should get some sleep, it's 10:30.

U/N: Alright. You too, you must have had a tiring day.

ZEN: Yea, good night U/N

U/N: good night

ZEN has left the chatroom.

U/N has left the chatroom

I put down my phone, grabbed my night clothes and towel and head to the bathroom.

After I finished taking a shower and got dressed, I went to bed and drifted off to sleep.

The next day

My eyes fluttered opened and I just laid there, drifting off into thought. But, of course it was cut off by vibration. I picked up my phone and noticed that it was 10:00 am but also my phone was at 5% battery. "Goddamit," I mumbled under my breath. I forgot to charge it last night. I shifted over to the side of my bed and grabbed the charger. I plugged the charger in and set it down on the bed.

After a few minutes of contemplating on life, I got off my bed and went downstairs to eat breakfast, which limits to cup of noodles, eggs, and ramen because that all my cooking skills as a 13 year-old teen.

13 Year-Old Party Planner (Mystic Messenger)Where stories live. Discover now