New Neighbors?

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A/N: WATTPAD DELETED PART OF MY WORK GODDAMIT. Anyways now I have to rewrite and I mostly forget everything. I have dance competition tomorrow so wish me luck! Yay! So on to the chapter.


"Are you sure about this?" I sat there on Rika's desk chair. Luciel stood there with sure face. "I'm sure about this," he said reassuringly. "Hmm. She's really young. Won't she be stressed? She's already in middle school and has homework and other studies and we don't know how much of that she has," I argued. "But she's sociable. If she can talk to people, emailing invites should be a piece of cake," he argued back. "But the people she will be inviting are way beyond her level. They are different. Will she be able to do it?" I rebuttle

He stood there in thought. "That's the point..." He spoke. "She knows people's different wants. She knows that they are different. That's why she is sociable. She will be able to do it," he continued. "Alright," I sighed in defeat.

Your POV

I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack that my friend from America was talking about when I thought about the fiasco earlier. I was pulled out my thoughts when my dad called me. "Y/N! Are you home!" he called me. "Yea!" I called back. "Okay!" he called back.

I thought about greeting the new neighbor and apologizing. I went down the hallway where I saw my dad in the living room on his phone. "I'm going to greet the new neighbors next door," I said while putting on shoes. "Remember what to do when you greet them?" he asked. "Don't go inside their home even if they invite you in, if they're too close to you, scream and run to you, if they don't answer, don't bother them, and don't give them any personal information besides your name," I answered. "Good," he said. I walked out the door and headed over to the next door.

I walked up to the door and knocked on the door. The red head opened the door. "Welcome to the neighborhood," I greeted. "Told you!" he yelled to the blue male. "Huh" "nothing" "Anyways, sorry for the standoff earlier. I didn't know that you were looking for another apartment." I apologised. "That's ok," the blue hair male said walking up to the door. "Let us introduce ourselves, I am Jihyun Kim," he introduced. 'Jihyun Kim? I thought his name was V' I thought."And I am Luciel," the red head, named Luciel, added. 'Luciel? Okay, it's either that it's a coincidence or they're the same person' I thought again.

"I'm Y/N L/N" I introduced. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" a familiar voice came from behind me. "MOM! You scared me!" I turn. "Sorry sweetie," my mom hugged me. "So would you like to come over for dinner at 7:00, since your new here?" My mom asked again. "That would lovely, thank you," Jihyun answered. "OK! See you tonight!" I exclaimed. They waved goodbye and shut the door.

My mom and I started walking for our apartment. "When did you get home?" I asked my mom. "I just got here and saw you greeting new neighbors and I wanted to do something else than just greeting them," she answered. "Okay," I said. We walked to our door and my mom pulled out her keys and put it into the keyhole. She opened the door and we walked inside.

I walked to my room and flopped on to my bed. "Their names. I wonder if they are 707 and V. I mean Luciel called Jihyun 'V' and 707's real name is Luciel. But I shouldn't point that out. What if it's not a coincidence and they're not them. I should not say anything about RFA, even the name.' I thought to myself. I took out my phone and I went on to the messenger to check what to do.

A/N: GAAAH,I KEEP GETTING NEW IDEAS. I NEED TO STOP! I might keep the story on hold because I want to focus on this story and I never finish if I'm going to make another story. It's based on the reset theory goddamit. Sorry that this chapter is short. It's kinda filler chapter if you call it that. I like that my story is being seen slightly. 11 views. Anyways I hope you're enjoying the crappy story. Also I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack while writing this. Lol. I sometimes forget that this takes place in Korea instead of America because that's where I live. LOL.

Edit: I just remembered that there was a kid in our school named Alexander Hamilton because of some compatibility sheet thing. Yeaaaa um I was deemed least compatible for him lol. Or it could be a joke since people at our school love Hamilton

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