Q&A With RFA

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A/N: Okie. Idk what to name this chapter so yea. Idk how to put this format because SO MUCH WRITING AND IM LAZY AS HELL. Anyways, I'll just putting it as texting format. I did say that there will be a whole chapter just chatting with RFA because I thought the character doesn't interact with the characters much. So yea. Also I might I have a filler chapter like this one next. You just have to wait and see

I go on the messenger and see that Jumin and Jaehee was on.

U/N has entered the chatroom

U/N: Hi guys!

Jumin: good afternoon, U/N

Jaehee: hello.

ZEN has entered the chatroom

Jumin: I don't have the time for this narcissist

U/N: He just entered. Do they always fight like this

Jaehee: yep

U/N: and you don't stop it

Jaehee: it's like trying to stop a hurricane

U/N: oh...

U/N: Well let's talk about something else

U/N: How did you guys join RFA

ZEN: I remember that it was after a performance of mine

ZEN: Rika watched my performance and wanted a photo of me with her

Jumin: V is my closest friend and so he invited me

Jaehee: and then he invited me

U/N: oh wow. I guess I'm the only one who just stumbled here

ZEN: This kinda makes me want to know more about you

U/N:  What do you want to know about

ZEN: Do you have a favorite musical

U/N: Oh, I don't have the money to see musicals or I don't hear much from musicals

U/N: But (you can use any musical here but I'm putting Hamilton here if you can't think of one and basically an excuse to feed my Hamilton trash so yea) I have to say Hamilton is my favorite. My friend from America told me about it and told me to listen to it

U/N: She said (again use the description of said musical) it's a hip hop spin off of the story of one of America's founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton

ZEN: I've never heard of it. I might look it up later

U/N: Well it's from  America

Jumin: I've seen before. On a business trip. I thought it was an interesting experience but it's not my taste

U/N: Business trip?

Jumin: We were going to a meeting which happened to be a theater company and they wanted to show a show

Jaehee: I actually have that DVD. It's the only one that doesn't star Zen. It was gift from a co-worker when she went to America

ZEN: Is it okay if I borrow it so I could see it

Jaehee: Yea sure. Do you want me bring now

ZEN: Sure

Jaehee: Okay, on my way

Jaehee has left the chatroom
ZEN has left the chatroom
Yoosung has entered the chatroom

Yoosung: OOOOH Hamilton! I was just talking to one of my teammates in LOLOL from America about he saw it and said it was amazing

707 has entered the chatroom

707: Awesome. Wow.

U/N: Do you have any clue what happens now


Jumin: I have to go now

Jumin has left the chatroom

Yoosung: Do you play LOLOL

U/N: I've watched gameplay of it, but I can't play it because I don't have the money. The only thing I play is Borlox and CM. Those games are okay

Yoosung: Oh...

U/N: Do anything else besides LOLOL

Yoosung: I cook. I'm not always a huge disappointment

U/N: ...

U/N: Nobody said you were a huge disappointment

707: Doesn't mean we can't think it

U/N: Wow, I can't believe you tried to be a savage.

U/N: keyword: tried (a/n: just work with me here)

Yoosung: Lololol

Yoosung: I'm going to play LOLOL now

Yoosung: Bye

Yoosung has left the chatroom

707: Same, bye

707 has left the chatroom

U/N: Bye! 'til we meet again

U/N has left the chatroom

A/N: OMG HELP ME IM STUCK IN THIS HAMILTON TRASH HOLE. Anyways, I'm sorry I haven't  been updating, I've been getting a lot of homework. I even tried to get to do my homework early when I get home, but something always gets in the way. Hopefully, I can follow the schedule. Just to remind you it's every Saturday and/or Sunday and maybe Wednesday since a short day at school or when I have no homework. So I got to complete the project done on time. See you next chapter!

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