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A/N: HOLY SHITZU THIS IS LATE. Anyways one more thing. 1K READS, JESUS THAT'S​ AMAZING! AND WITHIN A MONTH! IS IT BECAUSE YOU LIKE CRINGE OR IS THIS AN ACTUALLY GOOD STORY. Anyways another filler chapter or kinda filler chapter. Idk.

I look at the time, 4:20. Then I look down at my homework. I was almost done. I just had to finish a page.

I was about to finish the last question until my phone dinged. It wasn't a new chatroom, but it was Faith.

Faith: hey, Y/N

Faith: Can please audition with me for the spring musical tomorrow, PLEASE!!!!

Faith: I don't want to do this by myself.

Faith: They are auditioning people's singing, acting, and dancing and I've seen you (choose dance, sing or act)

Y/N: Ok, but I'm not very experienced with (dance, sing, or act) but I'll go audition with you.


I smile at the text. I enjoy that Faith thinks of me as her sister. I put my phone down and finish the last question.

I finish the question and pick up phone. I start thinking about what I should do for the audition. Since this was my first audition, I decided to start simple. After all, it's a middle school play, but to be fair, the other people in this school is hella skilled at dancing, singing, and acting. Hell, one of them could be a triple threat. So just in case, I call Zen to learn basic knowledge of auditioning.

Zen picks up at fourth ring. "Hello?" He greeted. "Hey, Zen. It's U/N," I answer. "Oh, hey, U/N," he greeted again. "I kinda need help on something," I said. "What do you need?" he asks. "I'm auditioning for a spring musical at my school and I just want to know any basic tips for auditioning," I answer. He gave me tips which are helpful. (A/N: Guys just work with me. Idk anything about musicals and shit) I asked if I should recite some lines and he text me lines. "Wow, you're a natural!" he complimented. He gives just some more advice. "Break a leg on the audition," he said. I said bye and then hung up.


I wake up at 3:00 to a familiar ding on my phone. Open my phone and IT BLINDED MY EYES. (A/N: do you guys relate?) After I tone down the screen brightness and adjust to the light. I see a new chatroom was opened. I enter the chatroom, a little ticked off.

U/N has entered the chatroom

U/N: Do you guys ever get any sleep?

U/N: I have school

Yoosung: what time is it

U/N: 3:00 AM

Yoosung: WHAT

707: I'll sleep when I die

U/N: ...

U/N: My god

707: gentlemen, let's go

Yoosung: So?

U/N: The people won't know, what we know

U/N: Anyways, I am going back to sleep

707: night

13 Year-Old Party Planner (Mystic Messenger)Where stories live. Discover now