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baby girl ❤:
I'm so mad

loml 💕:
I know babe

baby girl ❤:
What gives her the right to do that?! Who does she think she is? Trying to waltz back into our lives after treating us like dirt

loml 💕:
Jas baby you gotta calm down

baby girl ❤:
I know I do babe but I'm just so infuriated right now
She makes me so mad

loml 💕:
I know she does
Did she talk to your dad? Or to Dustin?

baby girl ❤:
Not to Dusty but she did try to talk to dad. He won't tell me what she said but he did say she's not coming back into our lives that easily
Dustin agrees

loml 💕:
So do I. She has no right to try and crawl back like that after what she's done
If she really wants to be a part of your lives again she should have to work at it

baby girl ❤:
That's the thing tho, Evan. I don't know if I want her back in my life
After all she's done to me and to Dustin and to dad I don't know if I want that again

loml 💕:
She could be changed

baby girl ❤:
That's a massive "could" tho

loml 💕:
Yeah baby I know

baby girl ❤:
Looking at your name makes me slightly less mad

loml 💕:
Looking at yours is making me pretty happy myself 😏

baby girl ❤:
I am so unbelievably happy
I can't believe we're actually together

loml 💕:
Believe it baby girl 😘
However, on the topic of being together, I have to ask you something

baby girl ❤:
Oh no
Breaking up already?

loml 💕:
No! Of course not!
I was gonna ask about making it public
Like to the fans and press and stuff

baby girl ❤:
I mean the fand ship us anyways

loml 💕:
I know, but hear me out okay?
The fans love you as much as I do, but they also loved Emma
I'm not saying you're gonna end up like Emma. Far from it actually. I just don't want to make the announcement yet and have them be all happy only for us to break up (even though I hope that will never happen) and have them hate you
Emma got tons and tons of hate. Granted, she deserved it, but you don't. Especially not after what you've been through already

baby girl ❤:
I understand Evan. I think we should wait too
Give it maybe 3 months?

loml 💕:
3 months is fine by me
I can't believe you're all mine ❤

baby girl ❤:
And you're mine 💘

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