Chapter 6- Optimism

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"Thanks Pap, that was great, your cooking is really coming along."

"Your welcome Sans. Now, I'm heading out for the afternoon, I have errands to run and I have my cooking lessons with Queen Toriel at four. Even though the Great Master Chef Papyrus' spaghetti is already the best in the underground, there is nothing shameful about improving technique, experimenting and trying out new recipes!"

"Oh, OK Pap, be careful and have fun! Don't burn down anyone's house this time, otherwise you'll be boned!"

"Nyeh, Sans! Right, that's my cue to leave. And don't worry brother, Queen Toriel idea of cooking is a lot less... explode-y... than Undyne's."

"Whale brother, I suppose I better let you swim your way out of this one. You better scarper, other wise Undyne will krill you or bass out from anger. You know how much of a beach she can be. Any way I Lava you!"

"Please save me...RIGHT, GOOD DAY SANS! I MUST LEAVE BEFORE I KRILL YOU. Nye! Oh god. Look at what you've done to me... Goodbye brother! "

"Hehe, bye Paps!"

As Papyrus eagerly headed towards his destination, he could not help but imagine the possibilities life on the surface would bring. All the new opportunities and experiences that could be had, all the new exiting memories that could be made if the barrier was to just... brake. He may not know much about the surface and what life is like up there, where you could stand on a hill and look for miles, but, he had heard so much about the stars.

The way they shone in the night sky like light bouncing off a polished objects and so many that you could lay there forever counting but never scratch the surface of the true value. Apparently they also made pictures in the sky called 'constalations'.

Sans had taught him so much about 'the sky' when he was little, it never really peaked his interest though. Sans however, was a fanatic. He would sit and read astrology books and studied star maps for hours on end, learning everything there was to know about space. Then again he always was the smart one. Even now, Sans would still sit from time to time fully immersed in science fiction novels and study various human sciences. However he now spends most of his time at 'Grillbys', sleeping, or watching MTT on the couch, curled up with Papyrus.

Then again, now he thinks about it, he quite liked the underground. This is where is friends were, where he grew up, and where he discovered his great many talents. Even so Papyrus knew in his heart that, one day, they will all be freed by the King and will soon be able to feel the warmth of light upon them. And even though the change would be scary for a while, he would embrace every opportunity that came his way, for he was the Great Papyrus and nothing would stop him from his goal of popularity! Perhaps even Sans may become more active and get out of the house more. He may even be able to pursue science !

Well, he could only be optimistic until that day arrives. A day where someone, a human, with so much good in their soul that they will single handedly set everyone free.

What made him think of this? He doesn't quite know. But he had on of those feelings. A feeling that some time soon something big is going to happen that will change their lives forever.

And with everyone's hearts beating together as one, they surely cannot fail.

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