the broken boy - chapter three

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I can't even imagine loosing my parents, especially in such a horrific way.

At this point i was balling my eyes out, Jacob must of heard me, because there was a knock on the door and an oh so familiar voice asked if i was okay. of course i wasn't but i didn't want the new boy living at my house knowing i googled him. "Uh yea i'm fine, i just saw this cute puppy video, it brought me to tears" i tried to make light of the situation by giggling, "Oh ok, i love puppy's do you mind if i come in and watch the video?" i saw the door nob turning, i was in shock i didn't bother closing the tabs on my laptop. Jacob took one look at my computer and bolted out of my room. "jacob!" i hollered jumping up and running out of my room. i looked every where for jacob, i opened the front door and decided i would extend my search jacob was sitting up in my old tree house, i climbed up the steps and saw Jacob crying, i ran over to him. "Jacob i'm so sorry." i choked, holding back my tears. "I-i-i i miss them so much" he cried, i took him in and hugged him tightly. i felt myself starting to cry. "my mom begged me to come with them on the plane because she wanted me to see some fans and her dying dad, my grandpa, i never had a good relationship with him. but i told her i didn't want to, so she grounded me. my dad and mom left without saying they loved me or that i loved them it was a simple goodbye i'll see you in a week." jacob gasped for air, cameron dallas, was in virginia for a few weeks so he stayed with me. i didn't find out there plane crashed till 7 days after when they didn't come home." jacob tears just kept streaming down his face, "its okay" i spoke softly as i wiped his tears. he calmed down a little. i embraced him in yet another hug. he pulled away and looked at me, we stared deeply into each others eyes for at least a straight minute. it gave me time to study him, he had beautiful brown eyes and he was definitely sad, he was running from something, before i could continue, his lips brushed onto mine, i responded to the kiss and it quickly turned into a passionate make out session. i wanted to rip off his shirt, but i knew i couldn't. i pulled away. "uhh, cool." i said to the exit of the tree house a yellow slide, hey i was 8 years old, don't blame me. i ran to my room smiling like an idiot. did i have feelings for jacob sartorius? am i in love with the broken boy?

The Broken Boy ~ jacob sartorius fan fic (dirty)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora