Talking about me... But not me?

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Merchant POV

Kid Flash zoomed through the Zeta beams with a small smile upon his face. Our date was yesterday, not that he knows it's me...

Either way, he seemed happy. That made me pretty happy too. "Hey Kit Idiot, what's with the smile?" I asked jokingly.

"I went on a date with a guy called Dick and he is just soooo amazing." Wally said blushing as he fell back on the sofa.

"Really? Tell me more?" I asked, laughing inside.

"I haven't seen his face, but he has an amazing personality, voice..." And I tuned out as Wally continued, knowing this was not for Merchant to hear, even if he didn't know I was Merchant.

"Did you get his number? Why not go on another date with him?" I asked, knowing full well he had my number.

" yeah!" Wally shouted jumping off the sofa and zooming away. Looks like I got me another date. I walked through the Zeta to Gotham.

Sorry for the short chapter but you'll get why soon.

Merchant - a Robin centred young justice fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now