Chapter 4

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Once I finally made it to Central City I dropped my stuff off at my old apartment, happy that I was permanently staying. My car surprisingly started up right away and I drove to Star Labs. I parked in the garage and headed up to the lab where everyone was gathered talking to Harrison Wells. "What the hell?" I said making them all jump.

"Okay, this security system really needs to get checked out," Cisco sighed before running over and hugging me, "I'm so glad you're back."

I gave Caitlin a hug too and smiled at Barry before turning to Wells, "What is he doing here?"

"He's the Harrison Wells from Earth-2. He's explaining how Zoom was created," Barry informed me.

"I created Zoom. I'm responsible for all the Earth-2 meta-humans, a fact I've ignored for far too long, but now I'm doing something about it," he answered setting the weapon he had down.

"Yeah, well, we're batting a thousand against these breachers," Cisco told him.

"You're batting a thousand, Crisco?" He asked, "What's your sample size? Ten? Less? Zoom is obsessed with speed. He will never allow another speedster in the multiverse, and he's gonna keep sending metas here, one after the next, all with the same goal: to kill the Flash unless we stop him together."

"Last time we listened to a guy with your face, some bad things went down," I crossed my arms.

"We lost people we cared about," Caitlin added agreeing.

"Everyone loses someone they cared about, Snow," Dr. Wells answered, "The real test of character is what you do once they're gone."

Joe walked into the room and saw Harrison Wells before pulling out his gun and firing. Barry caught all the bullets turning to Joe.

"Joe! Put the gun down!" He yelled putting his hands on his shoulders.

"How is he still alive? How are you still alive?" Joe shouted as Barry held him back.

"I don't know, because you missed?" Dr. Wells taunted.

"Hey, I'm trying to keep him from shooting you. You're not helping," Barry turned to Wells, "Let's take a walk, alright? It's all good."

Joe and Barry left the cortex. Caitlin went into her lab and Wells turned to Cisco and I.

"I don't suppose you have a Big Belly Burger in this universe, do you?" He asked.

"This isn't happening," Cisco said before grabbing my arm and leading me out of the room, "So we have your Earth-2 doppelganger locked up," he said as we walked down to the particle accelerator.

"Good, this is the best place for her to be. We can't have her running around revealing my identity to everyone," I nodded as we walked up to the cell and he opened it. She sat on the ground this time without her mask and just as it was the first time I saw myself it was still weird.

Sadie-2 got up walking to the glass, "This is a nice place you have here," she said to Cisco.

"I'm not gonna fall for your romantic ways," he told her.

"She definitely has more game than I do and sassiness," I laughed, "Also when she phases she can't breathe."

"Girl, you're sassy too. So like that girl from X-Men," Cisco rolled his eyes, "I need a drink. This is all too much for me."

"Let's go get one," Barry said walking up behind us.

We both agreed to go before he raced us in front of Jitters.

"You do realize that when I said I wanted a drink, I didn't mean latte, right?" Cisco asked as we walked through the front doors, "I was talking about alcohol. Like, mind-numbing alcohol."

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