Chapter 14

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Jay had taken us back to Earth-1 holding us in an unknown location. He threw me into a cell with powerless cuffs on and I fell to the ground in pain while him and Caitlin had both vanished and I was alone. I heard shouting in the distance but after awhile it stopped. Caitlin rushed into the room looking around before she found me. "Where are we?" I asked.

"CCPD, Zoom took over the precinct and forced the officers to leave," she answered.

"Why is he doing this?" I asked sitting up slowly groaning as my bones ached.

"To show power? I'm not sure, Joe and Wally were here," she sighed, "But he listens to me. He didn't hurt them when I asked him not to."

"Because he still loves you," I answered simply. Jay burst into the room and told Caitlin to get up before grabbing my arm forcefully and dragged me out of the room downstairs to the detective's offices throwing me in a chair as Caitlin followed and he handcuffed her to a desk. Someone walked in the front door and he left but nothing happened. Jay came back a few minutes later walking around the room checking out all the windows.

"You know they're gonna figure out a way to stop you, right?" Caitlin asked him as he paced.

"Who? Barry? Wells? The police?" He asked and chuckled. "No. Nobody can stop me now. Not anymore."

"So what's your plan? You're just gonna kill everyone?" She asked him.

"Not everyone," he turned to her.

"Then why are you keeping us here," she asked.

"Cause I don't want to be alone anymore," Jay sighed.

"Then why keep Sadie or me? I'm never going to be with you," Caitlin shot back.

"You think that you're not like me, but I've seen the darkness inside of you, Caitlin. Just like it was inside of Killer Frost. All you have to do is unlock it," he answered before walking away.

"You okay?" She asked me and I nodded, "I think I might have a way out of here."

Caitlin scooted closer to a box by her and struggled to reach for it, "What are you doing?" I asked.

She opened the box and found a phone in an evidence bag, "Yes! Here hide it in your boot." She slid the phone across the floor and I reached down and picked it up sliding it into the side of my boot as we heard voices, it was Zoom and another man in a mask who I guess was here earlier.

"And?" Zoom asked.

"He got away, but I'll find him," the man answered.

"Later," he shot back.

"He needs to pay for what he did to my brother!" He shouted.

"And he will. Later, Rupture!" Zoom answered.

"What do you want me to do?" Rupture asked.

"The police have gathered again. They think I've spared their lives. Tonight, show them they're wrong," he answered.

Rupture left and he looked to us as we watched on before rushing towards us and I turned the other way.

"You disapprove?" He asked Caitlin.

"You said you would spare them," she gasped.

"I need to teach them a lesson," he shot back.

"Is that why you change your voice? So that everyone will be afraid of you?" She asked.

"As you once said, I'm nothing but a monster," he said in a deep voice before stalking away.

"Text them now," she ordered and I nodded taking the phone out of my boot. I typed in the number to Star Labs so it would show up on the computers.

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