Chapter 10

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Over the next few weeks work had been hectic and by work I meant superhero work. Mardon broke out James Jesse to try and kill us with the help of Leonard Snart but luckily he told Barry. Though Mardon and Jesse hid bombs in Christmas presents all around the city threatening to set them off if we wouldn't sacrifice ourselves. We were able to send them all into one of the dimensional breaches. Barry and I spent Christmas together since he didn't want me to be alone again. To make matters even more interesting I found out that Joe had a son when we were all hanging out at the West's house one night. So it was pretty normal for our lives.

Currently I was making breakfast for myself and Barry who was still asleep in my bed. He was up late last night trying to figure out how to be faster than Zoom so he didn't get back until late. I cut up some fruit putting it into bowls and set up the table.

"Sadie?" Barry called from the bedroom.

Before I could answer he was by my side in a second hugging me, "I'm right here," I said getting the words out.

"Sorry, I just had a nightmare. It's fine, don't worry," he mumbled into my hair.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, what's this?" He asked turning to the table and changing the subject.

"I just thought we could have a real breakfast instead of the coffee and granola bars we've been having the past few weeks," I shrugged.

"This looks great," he kissed my temple before we sat down talking about the day to come.

"So, I was thinking," I started setting down my bowl of yogurt.

"Oh, and what have you been thinking?" Barry asked wiping his mouth.

"I know this might seem soon or maybe not but I was wondering if you wanted to move in here," I suggested before rambling, "I mean you're here every day and it might be easier and..."

"Sadie," he said and I stopped, "I'd love to."

I grinned, "Really?"

"Of course," he nodded, "If you want I could do it right now."

"Sure," I started but before I could finish the word Barry was gone and in another second he was in the doorway with a few boxes.

"Well that was easy," I laughed when Barry's phone rang.

"Looks like unpacking might have to wait. Cisco has an idea," he told me.

"That should be interesting," I said getting up and running to my room to change out of my pajamas into a pink flowy tank top, leather jacket and jeans. After I finished my makeup and hair I zipped on some boots before meeting Barry at the door.

"Finally," he sighed.

"Okay, yeah. Not all of us have super speedy powers," I rolled my eyes before jumping into his arms.

"Yeah, but..." He grinned.

"Just go," I shook my head and took a breath as he started to run and soon we were in Star Labs.

"Okay, now I can begin," Cisco said before Barry even had me on the ground yet, "As some of you may well know, I've been deeply embroiled in a secret, one-sided battle with an invisible enemy."

"No, not the Turtle again," Caitlin sighed as I sat beside her and Jay.

"What? What is the or who is the Turtle?" I asked.

"It's Cisco's white whale," she answered.

"Half whale, half turtle," Jay said confused.

"No. Do you see what you're doing, Caitlin? Everybody's confused now," Cisco sighed.

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