part 12

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Today is the day of the tour and im so excited. our first show is in Vancouver.  "Are you guys ready for your verry first tour" demi says as we loaded our bags into the bus. "yea can't wait" I say "cool so on the way to Vancouver we are going to pick up all the other opening acts. is that ok" she asks "yea we're cool with it" Antonio says "ok wait where's Bella" demi asks "she's already on the bus" I say "kay cool. well what are we waiting for. lets get this tour started" she says. we all get in the bus and its huge. There's three sections of the bus. when you first walk in there's a hang out/dinning room. Then in the middle of the bus are all the bunks. at the End of the bus is an entertainment room with a tv a laptop and tons of games. we all went into the bunk section and pick one out. I pick one that was right in the middle. I was stuck under bradly but was on top of Bella.  ok  is it just me or did that sound dirty to anyone else. no ok I guess I have a dirty mind haha. once the bus got started up we were on our way to pick up fifth harmony. we are going to share a bus with them since we have so much space. "hey girls" demi said as the fifth harmony girls piled into the bus. "girls these are my kids suz, Antonio, chase, and bradly, guys this is Camilla, lauran, Dinah, ally, and normani" demi says introducing us "hi its nice to meet you guys" I say "nice to meet you guys too" Camilla says. I look over at Bella and see that she's smiling really big. "im Bella one of thier friends huge harmonizer" she says shaking thier hands "aww well its nice to meet you Bella" ally says "do you mind if I take a picture with you guys" she asks "no not at all" dinah says. she gets In the middle of them and smiles. I took the picture.  The bus started up again and we were on our way to Vancouver.  On our way there we got to know the fifth harmony girls with a game of 20 questions. we even went to the back if the bus and played Uno. it was so much fun. before we knew it. we were in Vancouver.  "ok guys so here's the venue for today" demi says "hey guys why don't we hide something under one of these seats" I say "good idea suz. what about one of demis picks" antonio says "yea demi can we" I ask "sure" she says handing me a pick we hid it under seat 46. we then rehearsed a couple of songs our setlist is

Trainwrek by demi lovato

Art of war by we the kings


Don't forget by demi lovato

we thought since we haven't written any songs of our own we would just sing these on tour then in our free time we could write songs. After rehearsal we decided to explore. we went around town in search of a Starbucks.  "hey look there's one" bradly said pointing in the direction. we went in and got our drinks then paid. "hey aren't you Demis kids" someone says. we turn to see a girl with blonde hair and green eyes. she had demis face on her shirt. "um yea" I say  "can I get a picture with you guys" she asks "sure" we say. we take the picture then I ask "are you going to the show tonight" "yea seat 46" she says "well look under your seat there might a suprise under it" chase says. way to give away chase. "well we gotta go. we told demi we would be back in five minutes" bradly says "it was nice meeting you" she shouts as we leave. as we leave we hear. "look there they are" we turn and see a bunch of people charging at us.  what im asuming are Lovatics.  we run all the way back to the venue with Lovatics chasing us. "so is this what it's like being famous" Antonio shouts over the screams "yea I think so" I shout back.  we see max at the gate we ran in and max shut the gate behind us. "are you guys ok" he asks "yea we are good thanks max" I say "hey its my job" he says. we go back in the bus and see that demi is still rehearsing. we see the fifth harmony girls playing with the Xbox.  "hey demis doing the soundcheck party right now" Camilla says "thanks for the update" bradly says as we slide in the booth. "hey nydia demi wants you onstage with her now" sheri demis backup singer says "ok I'll go right now" I say. she nods I slide out of the booth. I jump down from the bus and see a bunch of lovatics by the gate. they all scream when they saw me. as badly as I wanted to take picture with everyone I knew max wouldn't let me so I simply waved at them. I went backstage and saw that demi was answering questions.  I walk out on stage. "hey look who decided to show up" she says holding out her free arm for a hug. "hey guys wassup" I say into the mic. "ok are there any questions for nydia or me or the both of us it doesnt really matter" demi says "what's it like living with demi" a girl shouts. "well its pretty cool I mean she's just like a big sister to me. she helps me with any problems I have she even helps me with my homework.  well acutally it's more like here's my homework now do it. no just kidding" I say and they all laugh. "demi what's it like having four teens on tour with you." a fan asks "well acuatally I have five because Bella nydias bff I s on tour and it gets hetic but its tons of fun" she says "ok well would you guys like a song" demi asks and the crowd erupts into cheers. I hear this is me play and demi starts to sing. she signols for me to start singing I take a deep breath and sing.
This real this is me im exactly where im suppose to be now gonna let the light shine on me now I've found who I am there's no way to hold it in no more hiding who I wanna be this is me.

Demi grabs me hand and we walk around the stage. we continue singing until the end. it was the most amazing feeling ever. "wow that was amazing" I say "yep that it was. it was nice having you up here babygirl" demi says "thanks for having me" I say hugging her. I walk off stage and look at the time. 6:30. holy cow the concert starts in 30 more minutes. I ran to the bus and went Inside and see the guys hanging in the back. "guys it almost time for the concert" I say "kay" they all say. we go back stage into our dressing rooms. I put on a blue shirt with a leather jacket and black skinny jeans and some light blue high top converse. My hair stylist ashley comes in and straightens my hair. she also does my make up.  I put in my ear piece and do some warm ups. before anyone goes on stage we all stand in a ciricle  and say a prayer then cher loyde goes on stage after cher is fifth harmony after fifth harmony it us then the main event demi.  we all hang backstage until its time. we were messing around thinking about some pranks we could pull on this tour. "how about when demi is singing neon lights we sneak onstage in all neon and when she gets to the chorus we jump out and start dancing randomly" antonio says "good Idea Antonio" I say and write it down with the rest of our ideas. "oh how about we pretend we spray painted something with a bunch of empty spray cans and watch demi get mad at us then burst out laughing" Chase says "yea that's a good one but what if she doesnt belive us" I say "we could take a recording so we could show it to demi afterwards" bradly says "yea ok" I say and write it down.  "hey you guys better get ready the fifth harmony girls are fininshing thier set" demi says "thanks dems well be there in a sec" I say. I gave the page of ideas to bella and told her to keep it safe. we then went to where demi was. "are you guys ready" she asks "yea we're ready" I say "kay good luck to all of you" she says hugging us all. as soon as the girls are off stage we head on. I hear the intro to trainwrek play and wait for my cue.
you fled from medication cuz it only causes pain.

i walk around the stage high fiveing a bunch of people and watching them freak out. I looked out at the crowd and saw a sea of people. I could feel the familar rush of adrenaline go through my body and I loved it. as soon as I finished the song I said "how are you doing Vancouver"  they all start cheering. "we are all so happy to be here and we hope you enjoy these next two songs" I say. Then I sang the rest of our songs. it was so much fun. "and now for the main event please put your hands together. For the one the only DEMI LOVATO." I say yelling the last part. demi comes out on stage and I give her a hug. we go into our green room where everyone was hanging out. "so shall we do a prank today" chase asks "only if you guys want to" I say. They all nod. we decided on the flash mob one where we dress in all neon. we look at demis set list its the last one so that gives enough time to get ready. I put on a neon green hoodie then neon orange pants and neon green converse. "what are you guys doing" Camilla asks "should we tell her" I say "yea" chase says "ok we are going to pull a prank on demi they don't call us The Three Musketers for nothing" I say  "cool can't wait to see this" she says with a wide grin.  we see that demi is on her second to last song.  so we go behind the curtain. she sees us and raises an eyebrow. Then she introduces neon lights and we sneak on stage. I hid under the stairs.  we heard the chours then we jumped out and started to dance.  I started doing some crazy moves and antonio started break dancing. Then once the song turned slow again we just swayed back and forth. we continued this until demi start bursting out laughing.  we ran off stage to the green. "BEST PRANK EVER" we all shouted as we ran in. "that it was guys im suprised demi hasn't killed you guys yet" ally says "please that was just the begining of pranks" I say. once demi got off stage we all went back to the bus. "nice prank guys" demi says "thanks but that was just the begining so watch your back" I say. we spent the rest of the night having a dance party until we passed out.  our next stop is san jose and I can't wait. This is going to be the best tour ever.
A/N: hey guys so today The Neon Lights Tour started. unfortally I don't have any tickets :/ but at least there will be vids on utube hopefully.  anyway wht did u think about this chapter was it good. will The Three Musketers get into trouble taking a prank way too far. that's for me to know and u to find out. love u guys.

The Three Musketers adopeted by demi lovato?!Where stories live. Discover now