Why didnt you tell us.

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Suzs POV

i was sitting in my room texting blake. when demi calls me down. "suz come down here." She says i groan and go downstairs. "whats up." i say i see them at the dinner table. um they dont look so happy. "suz why didnt you tell us." nick asks "tell you what." i say tenseing up. "suz did you know about blakes anger issues." demi asks calmly "yes i did." i say "why didnt you tell us about them." nick asks "i felt like it was his story to tell not mine." i say "well do you know what hes done in the past suz." Demi says "no and how did you guys find out about this." i say "we called counsoling and they sent us a copy of his file." nick explains. "well what did he do." i say "Well a lot um but this one stands out." Demi says handing me a paper. It was a news paper article.

12 Year old boy punches a policeman.

"so he punched the guy but he cant help it." i say "yes suz but this is serious he could hurt you." Demi says "can you control your actions before you went to rehab." i say "well no but." she says "theres no buts the point is hes getting help i see him in counsoling and he comes out with this huge smile everyday." i say "thats not the point suz the point is we dont want you getting hurt by him so youre not allowed to see him anymore." nick says "what thats not fair." i say  "lifes unfair." Demi says "is that your excuse for everything. i get grounded lifes unfair we cant perform at your wedding lifes unfair i get druged by brad lifes unfair?" i say the last part as a question cause i cant belive i just said that. Brads gonna kill me litreally. "what did you just say." demi says "nothing." i say "susan tell us." nick says "would you guys just drop it." i say standing up and running upstairs. i just layed there on my bed numb until i heard rock being thrown at my window. i go out to this little balcony thing and look down. "blake." i say "hey." he says "blake im not..." i start "i know i heard." he says "so did you really punch a cop." i ask "yea but he started talking shit about me and i dont know when my anger takes over i blackout and i cant control anything. That angers me even more and ugg." he says in fustration. "its ok blake i understand." i say knowing the feeling. He looked up at me and smiled "You didnt let me finish." he says i nod "But when im with you i feel happy. Like i forget my problems and its just you and me. I forget what ive done in the past and just live in the moment. Thats why i didnt tell anything about my anger issuses cause i didnt want to ruin the moment. i want you to know that i would never ever hurt you." He says "its funny cause everything you just said is the same way i feel about you." i say "i really dont want to live a life without you." He says "neither do i." i say "so what are we now." he asks "i dunno." i say shurging my shoulders. This is really starting to feel like Romeo and Juliet i mean my parents dont want me to be with him. I dont want to disobey them but i dont want to live without him. "suz can i ask you something." he asks "you already did but sure." i say He gets down on one knee and...

A/N:hey guys so whtd u think. haha just kidding im not that evil.

"susan lovato will you be my girlfriend " he says i let out a big sigh. i thought he was gonna ask me to marry him. Which we are too young to do. otherwise it would have really been like Romeo and Juliet. "so what do you say you wanna be my girl." he asks "yes." i say "well i better go before my parents kill me. goodnight beatiful." he says climbing over the fence. "Goodnight handsome." i say. i go back inside my room. its 10:00 "already." i say "might as well get ready for bed." i get into some sweats and one of my moms old band tees that are big on me but still have her scent. i get under the covers and fall into a redeep sleep.

A/N: hey guys so what you think. Will suz tell demi and nick about her and blake. Will they find out. I guess well see. If u guys have any ideas leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS. love u guys.

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