Counsoling and a new friend

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Suzs POV

so today i have my first counsouling session. Hopefully i dont have to be too reveling. Right now we are on our way over there. And by we i mean demi and i. "are we there yet." i ask "almost." she says yea more like five more minutes. we finally arrived. "well were here." Demi says "yay." i sacarstically "youll be fine suz." she says "now cmon." she gets out of the car and i follow her out. "ok i have to go just go to the front desk and tell them your name. ill see you later love you." Demi says kissing my forehead. "love you too." i say i head over to the front desk. "hello do you have an appointment." The lady says "yes susan lovato." i say "ah yes your a little early so you can wait in one of those chairs." she says "thank you." i say There was a boy there about my age. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a black tshirt and jeans as well as converse and a snapback. i sat in the chair next to him. "you new here." he asks "yea." i say shaking my leg. "dont be nervous its gonna be ok." he says putting a hand on my shoulder. "im blake willams by the way." he says "im susan lovato but dont call me susan i go suz." i say "cool name." he says "thanks you too." i say "so your one of demis kids." he says "yep that i am." i say "susan lovato." someone says "well thats me  nice meeting you." i say "wait can i has the digits." he says i laugh "yea sure." i say we swap phones and put. suz the beast

as my name. we swap back and i see he put his name as Blake the sexy boi i laugh and he laughs at my name. "text me." he says "will do." i say i follow my counsoler into a room. there were two chairs so i sat in one and she sat across from me. "so susan what are you in for." she asks "firstly dont call me that i go by suz and secondly i dont mean to be rude but who are you." i ask "oh my bad im harmony." she says she looked at least 29 and she had brown hair with curls and brown eyes just like demis. "ok harmony well if you must know. I self harm and i purge." i say "anything else." "i grew up without parents and my step father abused me. Ive been in and out of many foster families because im 'too much to handle.' i have seperation issues and the list goes on." i explain. "i see so when did all of this start." she asks "probly after my father left my mom. ive always thought it was my fault. i thought i wasnt good enough for him. like he didnt want me because i was too fat or because i was too ugly." i tell her "so because of that you decided to take it out on yourself." she asks i nod. "so you said youve been in and out of many foster homes." harmony asks "yes they would adopte me then something would go wrong and they would bring me back. Then there were certain families..." i trail off cringing at the memories. "certain families." she asks "certain families that would abuse me phiscally,mentally and sexaully." i say "suz im so sorry you had to go through this. you are a verry strong young girl." she says "thanks." i say "whats the longest youve been clean." she asks "five months." i say "whats the longest youve gone without food." she asks "three months." i say "so are you clean right now." she asks "yea almost two weeks." i say "and youve been eating." she says i nod "well im going to need to see at least twice a week. you can choose the days." she says "um how about mondays and tuesdays." i ask "sounds good." she says "alright well it was nice meeting you harmony." i say "you too suz." she says i head out of the building and i see a pickup parked right outside the building. "hey can i give a lift." i hear someone say and its blake. "yea just let me tell demi." i say he gives me a thumbs up. i text demi.

S:hey dnt worry about picking me up a friend is taking me.

D:ok b careful

S:will do

"she said yes." i say getting in his truck. i give him directions to my house then he starts driving. "so whats your story i thought you had the perfect life." he asks "perfect yea i wish." i say "well i selfharm and purge and have seperation issuses." i say i waited for the judgements,but he just stayed quite. "i cant belive it." he says "yea well im a mess." i say "no i cant belive someone so beatiful could do that to themselves." he says. I dont know why but my stomech did a filp when he said that. "oh well thanks." i say tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. He just smiled "i could ask you the same thing." i say "well im mostly in there because of anger issues. But other than that i was a victum of bullying. That is until i beat the shit out of him for talking crap about my family." he says i chuckle knowing i would have done the same thing."well this is my stop." i say "see ya later." he says "defintly." i say i get out and wave him off. He drives over to the house next to mine. He gets out of the car and says "howdy nieghbor." "how did i not notice you living next to me." i say He shurgs "maybe you just have to open your eyes a little more beatiful." He says and i blush. "well it looks like ill be seeing you more often." i say He nods and goes inside his house. i go inside mine " im home," i say "how was it." demi says "good i even made a new friend." i say "oh whats her name." she says "its a he and his name is blake." i say She cocks an eyebrow up. "what." i say "suz has a crush." she says pinching my cheek. "i do not hes just a friend." i say "uh huh." she says "boys and girls can be just friends you know." i say heading upstairs "whatever you say suz." she says  i roll my eyes and head into my room. i flop and my bed and cheak my phone. i see i got a text from blake. My heart starts racing why am i acting this way hes just a friend right?

B: hey beatiful

my heart melted when i read the text ok dont say anything stupid.

S:hey whts up

B:nm just wondering if youd like to go to the movies this satutday.

S:sure just let me ask demi.


i go downstairs and see demi sitting on the couch watching tv. "hey dems." i say "yea babygirl." she says "can i go to the movies with blake this saturday." i ask "yea sure thats fine." she says "yes thanks dems." i say runinng upstairs its a good thing nick wasnt here or else he wouldve freaked.

S:She said yes

B:cool see u then gorgous

Is he flirting with me. I dont know i guess ill find out. i layed back and thought about blake. I am genually happy when im around him. ive only known him for a couple of hours but Romeo and juliet only knew eachother for a couple of hours and they got married. im not saying im gonna go that far im just saying whats the worst that could happen. you gotta give the guy a shot.

A/N:Hey guys so i know i havent updated verry much and im sorry. its just that my family has been coming over cuz of my bday and everything. but i will try to make up for it. If you guys have any ideas for the story plz leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS. love you guys

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