Why am i feeling this way.

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Suzs POV

Demi woke us up really early so we wouldnt miss our flight. Blake and i have been off and on these past few weeks. Right now we are off but hes tring to get me back but im not gonna let him win not this time. anyway we were boarding the plane. i was sitting in between antonio and chase and bradly was behind me with demi,emily and nick in front of us. "are you guys excited." Demi asked "um is that even a question." Antonio says "yea excited doesnt even begin to describ how were feeling." i say "ok but you guys are gonna wanna sleep or else the jet lag will get to you." Demi says "cant sleep now." i say "why not." she asks "we have coffee in us." Antonio says "Did you seriously have to get them coffee demi." nick says "they will get tired eventually." She says The plane started flying and we were in the air. i put on my beats that mom and dad got me. Demi was right we did end falling asleep. i woke up right when the plane landed. i woke up the guys. Demi carried emily out of the plane while Chase helped Nick find our luggage. After that we went to our hotel and settled in. "So what do you guys want to do." Nick asks "Beach day." we yell "we did that yesterday" Nick says "and your point is" i say "another beach couldnt hurt plus it would give me a chance to try on my new bikkini." Demi says "im in." Nick says and we all laugh. we head out to the beach and once again we are given our freedom and the guys ditched me to find some girls. im guessing. i was sitting in the sand watching the waves when i felt some tap me on the shoulder. i look up to meet these hazel eyes and light brown hair"do you mind if i sit here." she asks "no not at all." i say she was beatiful. I felt my palms get all sweaty ive never felt this way around anyone before. Not luke. Not Blake. Not nobody. "im kylie." She say "im susan but you can call me suz." i say "suz thats a pretty cool name." she says "thanks i like yours too." i say Why am i feeling this way around. i think im falling but im not so sure so im going to talk to demi later. "so where do you live." She asks "LA." i say "no way me too how come ive never seen you before gorges." she says i shrug. "i dunno. i guess im pretty hard to find." i say "so what school do you go to." she asks "im homeschooled." i say "thats pretty cool why are you homeschooled." she asks "well my mom is demi jonas." i say "no way thats so cool." she says "yea hey listen i gotta go but ill give you my number ok." i say "ok ill give you mine too." she says we swap numbers and i head back to where my family is. "alright everyone have fun." Demi says "yea. i uh made sandcastles." i say "we met some girls." Chase says "cool cool." She says once we are back at the hotel i go and find demi. "Demi can i talk to you." i say "yea sure babygirl whats up." she says "well i met this girl at the beach her names kylie." i say "ok and." she says "i dont know. Shes so beatiful and i get nervous when im around her. Ive never felt this way before. Mom i think im falling for her." i say "so you like girls." she asks "no yes maybe i dont know." i say "its ok babygirl if you do ill totally support your relationship." She says "The only problem is i dont know if she likes me back." i say Right as i said that my phone buzzed. i looked at the contact it was kylie.

K:suz cn we talk

S:yea sure

K: i think i like u.

S:i like u 2

K:no i mean im falling for u.

S:yea im falling for u 2

K:Do u want to go out with me.

i didnt know how to respond so i turned back to my mom. "mom she just asked if i wanted to go out with her." i say "Do you really like her suz." she asks "yes i really do." i say "Then go with what your heart tells you. ok." She says "ok." i say

S:yes i will go out with u

K:yessssss so  wht r u doing here in florida.

S:we r acutally going to Disneyworld tomorrow.

K:no way me 2 wanna hang out?

S:yea just let me ask my mom

K: kk

"mom can i hang out with kylie tomorrow." i say "sure babygirl." she says "yes thank you mom." i say kissing her cheek.

S:she said yes

K:cool c u tomorrow and is it ok if i call u babe.

S:yea its cool as long as i cn call u baby

K:yea sure babe c u later

S:later baby.

i let out a breath as i fall back on my bed. man i cant belive i fell in love with someone in a day.I cant wait to get to know her tomorrow. This is the best day of my life.

A/N: hey guys so i have to thank _ddlovatic_ for this idea so thank u. if u guys have any ideas for this story please leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS. kay love u guys.

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