part 15

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Suzs POV

"babygirl wake up" I hear my mom say as she shakes me awake. "hmm mom" I say "cmon suz its breakfeast" ant says. great. I climb out of my bunk and get out of the tour bus. we are eating breakfeast at McDonalds. "im not a super model I still eat McDonalds baby that's just me" I sing making everyone laugh. we all order our food. I put in one headphone so I can hear everyone else. I look down to see that I finished my mcmuffin. "good  job babygirl" mom says "thanks" I say smiling a real smile. after breakfeast Ant,chaz, brad brad, bells and I all went to play in the playground. its funny because the sign said 5-10 and we were all around 14-15. we played like we were little kids just climbing up to the top then taking the slide to the bottem then doing all over again. we even had a race to see who could get to the top the fastest. "ok guys time to go" mom says "aw cmon mom five more minutes" I say "sorry guys but if we want to get to arizona on time we have to" she says "fiiinne" we all say. we go down the slide and go back to the bus. "so what are we going to do today" I ask "I donno" ant says "how about we go to the other bus and have a dance party with them" brad brad says "yea mom can we" I ask "go ahead I'll just be here alone all by my lonly self" she says "kay love see you when we get to Arizona." chaz says. we all ran to the dancers bus. "hey arnt you guys suppose to be with demi" mike says "we asked her if we could join you guys" I say "ok" he says. we all go in the bus and have a major dance party. we all turned up in there. Then Neon Lights came on and we all started to belt out the lyrics.


it was so much fun. until I got a call from mom. "hey guys turn the music down its mom" I say "hey mom your on speaker" I say "hey I was wondering could i join the party im bored" she says "sure as soon as we stop" I say "ok see ya soon." she says as we hang up. A couple of songs later mom comes and we get a bunch of glowsticks and silly string. we trashed the bus, but then we had to clean it up. soon we were in Arizona.  we got out of the bus to check out the venue. "whoa this place is huge" ant says "yea. hey maybe we should hide three guitar picks." I say "yea we should" chaz says I go and grab three guitar picks. I put one under seat 100. Then we scater the other two somewhere else. we do our soundcheck. then we hang in the green room until the soundcheck party. we watched mom play a couple of songs then we went up on stage with her for the Q&A. "ok so are there any questions for any of us." mom says one fan raises thier hand. "so this one's for The Three Musketers.  since demi calls us her lovatic I was kinda wondering what you guys will call your fans." she asks "ummmm I've thought about that too recently and i thought you guys should be called Musketers since you guys are our part of us" I say. The crowd erupts into cheers. "so im guessing that's a yes on the name" I say. "hey suz what do you say we end off the soundcheck with a duet" mom says "sure." I say "ok your pick" she says "ok how about we'll be a dream." I say The crowd screams thier heads off. I decided to sing Travis's part.

do you remeber the nights we stayed just laughing smiling hours at anything remeber the nights we drove around crazy in love. when the lights go out we'll be safe and sound we'll take control of the world like its all we have to hold on to and we'll be a dream.

Demis part

do you remeber the nights we made our way dreaming hoping of being someone big we were so young then we were too crazy in love

as mom sang her part she grabed my hand and we walked across the stage.


when the lights go out we'll be safe and sound we'll take control of the world like its all we have to hold on to and we'll be a dream. whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa when the lights we'll safe and sound we'll take control of the world like its all we have to hold on to and we'll be a dream.

The Three Musketers adopeted by demi lovato?!Where stories live. Discover now