My Immortal

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After the other girls had gone to bed I met with the other members in our room and told them about Eliza's history and why she probably got spooked enough to smack me. They all immediately lightened their feelings towards her. I knew I couldn't do much about the other girls being bitches towards her but atleast I was able to get my members to ease up.

I tried to sleep but was tossing and turning so I finally gave up and wandered out into the living room to find Eliza sitting against the wall. Her eyes were closed and I could tell she had been crying.

 Her eyes were closed and I could tell she had been crying

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I sat down next to her unsure if she was awake or asleep. I wanted to put my arm around her to try and console her but after how she reacted before I didnt know if she would react the same way.

Eliza POV:

I sensed someone sit next to me and I opened my eyes to see GD sitting next to me.

"Hi," he said with a soft smile

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"Hi," he said with a soft smile.

"Hi," I said and I was to tired to fight off the little smile that came to my lips.

"Can't sleep?" He asked me

"I can never really sleep, I dont think Ive had restful sleep in a few years, I feel like Im about to lose my mind, or whatever is left of it anyway," I said and I was so exhausted and desperate for sleep I laid my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes.

"You know, we could move to the sofa. It would be more comfortable then the floor and the wall," he said and I was inclined to agree.

He stood up and helped me to my feet. He laid on the couch and even though it was a bit more intimate then I normally would of been comfortable with I laid against him and he wrapped his arm around me. He started singing a song of his I had become familiar with I think it was called Without You, and his voice was so soothing I felt my eyelids fluttering and my head dropped to his chest and I dozed off.


I was more then a little surprised she fell asleep so easily next to me. Needless to say I dozed off a little while after she did.

I woke again to a shake on my shoulder and saw the rest of BIGBANG standing around me. I glanced down and saw that sometime during the night Eliza had slumped over into my lap while she slept. I looked up at the guys and put my finger over my lip to tell them to be quiet. I carefully lifted her up in my arms and with the help of TOP stood from the couch and carried her into our room. I laid her on my bed and hurried out shutting the door behind me.

"She had trouble going to sleep," I said and the nodded in understanding.

The other girls were waking up and making their way downstairs, they made no attempt to be quiet as they bounded down the stairs and saw us sitting in the living room.

"Not that we care, but you guys might want to know Eliza is missing," one of the girls said.

"She isnt missing, she is sleeping and do you mind being quiet?" I said annoyed.

"Where?" they asked

"In our room?" I said and turned to make coffee.

"What? That's not fair, she got to spend the night with you early. She shouldnt be allowed to win the talent show then," They shrieked, completely disregarding my request for them to be quiet.

"Actually, I didnt spend the night with him or any of them. I fell asleep on the couch and one of them must of carried me in there rather then trying to carry me up the stairs," Eliza's voice sounded from the doorway of the kitchen.

Everyone looked in her direction and she ignored everyone and grabbed a cup of coffee before disappearing outside.

The other girls didnt believe her but the other members and myself backed her story and they finally let off about it. I followed Eliza outside and saw her walking down the path towards her favorite spot.

"You know, the only thing I am going to miss when this is all over is you and the other guys. Ill be glad to get away from those girls though," she said without even bothering to turn around.

"Thank you by the way," she said and turned to face me. "I actually slept a little better then I have in a long time lastnight. I guess all I needed was a little comfort."

We sat down and talked a little and we started discovering we had alot in common with each other.

Eliza POV:

Despite all my defenses, I could feel them crumbling away towards him. Everytime I looked at him I could feel my heart race faster and faster. I quickly forced all those feelings away. I was pointless to fall for him, in a few days I would be returning to America and he would still be in Seoul. Long distance relationships were a joke.

We spent the majority of the day together and soon it was time for the next part of the mini contest. There was no booing when I stood up but the girls could not look anymore bored.

"Im so tired of being here
Suppressed by all of my childish fears
And if you have to leave, I wish you would just leave
Cause your presence still lingers here

And it wont leave me alone
These wounds wont seem to heal
This pain is just to real
There's just to much that time cannot erase

When you'd cry Id wipe away all of your tears.
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

You use to captivate me by your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasent dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds wont seem to heal
This pain is just to real
There's just to much that time cannot erase

When you'd cry Id wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I tried so hard to tell myself that your gone
But though your still with me
Ive been alone all along

When you'd cry Id wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me" -Evanesence (My Immortal)

I finished and needed to go outside to smoke a cigarette. All of my songs tended to make me emotional but this one had been one of my harder ones. GD joined me but I said goodnight a few minutes later and hurried up to my bed.

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