Going Home

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Eliza POV:

When I woke up Jiyong was already awake and sitting in bed writing. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I looked at him and he had turned towards me. He still looked amazing first thing in the morning.

"Morning," he said and he smiled but it didnt quite meet his eyes

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"Morning," he said and he smiled but it didnt quite meet his eyes.

"Morning ," I said and slid out of bed giving him my own weak smile.

It was raining which was fitting considering the dark mood I was in and I was pretty sure I wasnt the only one.

When we left the bedroom the others were already awake and eating breakfast. GD and I slept longer this time so we only had a couple hours before the cars showed up to take us to the airport. I wasnt feeling very well so I decided to not eat breakfast. I went upstairs instead to pack my things.

When I was done I took it downstairs and met everyone else. We all sat in the living room and I listened as the other four girls talked their ears off.

Before we knew it the vans had showed to take us to the airport. With a heavy heart I climbed into one of the vans and we drove off.

We got to fly back to Seoul together and GD and I sat together, us both falling asleep on the way there.


I gently shook her shoulder when we landed back down in Seoul and she woke with a start.

"We're here," I said to her and she looked out the window and sighed. We all got off the plane and the other members and myself walked with them to customs after we got our luggage.

The other four girls were sobbing as they hugged each of us and then hurried off through security. Eliza stayed behind as the others left.

"Thank you guys for a wonderful time. As I told Jiyong, despite what you may think I did enjoy myself. I came here not knowing a thing about any of you and now I leave having become a bit of fan," she said offering a hug to the members.

When she got to me she stopped and smiled. It was a genuine smile but I could see the sadness all over her face.

She hugged me and leaned her head up so she could speak quietly to me

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She hugged me and leaned her head up so she could speak quietly to me.

"Thank you," she whispered softly to me.

I carefully slipped a piece of paper in her side jean pocket.

"Thats my personal email, I want to stay in touch with you." I whispered to her.

I didnt want to let her go and from how tightly she squeezed me I could tell she didnt want to either. With a great feat of willpower we both detached and she gave us one last wave before heading off through security. I dried my eyes before heading out of the airport.

I had to think of someway she and I could be together but I was drawing a blank for the moment. We returned to our own homes and continued on about our lives and I started working on new songs inspired by this last week.

Eliza POV:

When I got back to my own little apartment in Seattle, Washington I felt lonelier then ever. It took a few days for me to recuperate physically from the trip. After a couple days I emailed Jiyong.

Hi Jiyong,

I just wanted to let you know that I made it home safely. I miss you so much already. I didnt think I would feel even more alone now. I hope I can come visit eventually when you have some time off. I hope everything this going well for you and the guys. Ttyl.


I sent it and then decided to go to a near by bar for a couple drinks. While I was there someone I was way to familiar with slipped up to me at the bar.

"Well well, hi Eliza" the voice of my ex/rapist from high school.

"Go away, Xavier" I hissed but just as usual he didnt listen.

"Come on, you arent still holding a grudge from 4 years ago are you," he said with a laugh.

"Its more then a grudge you ass, and you know it," I said through gritted teeth.

"You know you still want me," he said slipping his hand around my waist.

I shoved him off me and smacked him. This is one man who deserved the full extent of my anger.

"I told you to go away," I spat at him and fled out of the bar to my apartment as quickly as possible because I had a feeling Xavier was going to try and follow me.

I logged onto my computer and saw I got an email from Jiyong.

Hi Eliza,

I was relieved to learn you made it home safely. I miss you too. I also hope you and I can visit each other again in the not so distant future. Ive been writing alot, that week gave me alot of inspiration. I gotta run now, have a variety show appearance.

Love, Jiyong

The fact he put love on it made my heart flutter. I showered and decided to watch a movie before going to bed.

I dreamed that I went to a BIGBANG concert and Jiyong and I reunited but just as it seemed liked my dream was going to be a happily ever after, a mysterious female shrouded in shadow suddenly appeared on his arm and I was pulled back into nothingness as the scene morphed to their wedding. I screamed for Jiyong as their lips met and I woke screaming into the darkness. Tears were pouring down my cheeks.

I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen for a glass of water and I sat down on the sofa to watch a little late night TV to try and get my mind off that dream I had.

I ended up dozing off on the couch, if I dreamed again that night I didnt remember it when I woke.

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