A Thousand Years

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Eliza POV:

Im not sure if I believed in the whole past lives/reincarnation stuff but if I did then I could explain why I felt so drawn to Jiyong even though I barely knew him. I knew some things but really only the information he volunteered. Last night I dreamed that he and I were lovers in Ancient China from waring families. Kind of a Romeo and Juliet type thing. I decided to not mention it though.

We were at the final day and night of our vacation. Jiyong had really gone out of his way to be warm towards me and he was the only one that made me feel a little bit better about myself. The other guys were nice but I still think they harbored a small grudge against me for smacking Jiyong.

I would be lying if I said I wasnt going to miss BIGBANG, and I wished that my insecurities hadnt been such a huge opstical during this time. One thing I was certain of, I had become a fan and would continue to support them.

I woke with a bittersweet feeling in my gut and wondered out to my usual spot. I wanted to do something special for Jiyong. I played an instrumental that I had completed but hadnt thought of lyrics yet.

I laid back against the tree and shut my eyes, the dream replayed through my head like a movie and soon lyrics started pouring out of me along with the tears of a grieving heart who would never be able to experience what could of been with Jiyong. We honestly werent a good match, we definitely hung out in different circles, our lives were on two very different paths. Atleast that's what I kept telling myself.

I dried my eyes and stood up just as I saw Jiyong coming towards me.

I dried my eyes and stood up just as I saw Jiyong coming towards me

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I smiled at him and walked to meet him.


Darn she had already finished and was walking in my direction. I stopped and waited for her to catch up. She was just so darn pretty I could hardly stand it. Ive seen lots of beautiful girls but none of them have made me weak in the knees so fast.

 Ive seen lots of beautiful girls but none of them have made me weak in the knees so fast

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Her eyes told me she had been crying but she smiled trying to hide it.

"Are you alright?" I asked her when she was next to me.

She nodded but her eyes started to well up again. She blinked them away but two rolled down her cheeks.

"I guess im just going to miss you guys more then I thought. I know you may not think it but I did enjoy myself, atleast where you guys are concerned. I cant say ill miss the other girls though," she said with a small laugh.

I chuckled a little and nodded in understanding. We walked back to the cabin and joined everyone else for lunch. We spent the day just hanging out and playing a couple more games. Before we knew it we had finished dinner and gathered in the living room for the final performances.

The other girls each devoted a piece to her favorite BIGBANG member. I knew they were sucking up but I wondered if Eliza was going to dedicate something to me. She hadnt said anything about our music so either she hadnt really listened to it or she had but didnt care for it.

She didnt say anything as usual and I found myself a little disappointed until I heard her song and I had a feeling she was singing it for me.

"Heart beats fast, colors and promises, how to be brave. How can I love when im afraid to fall. But watching you stand alone, all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you, darling dont be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years. Ill love you for a thousand more.

Time stands still, beauty in all she is. I will be brave, I will not let anything take away, whats standing infront of me. Every breath, every hour has come to this.

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling dont be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years. Ill love you for a thousand more.

And all along I believed I would find you. Time had brought your heart to me. I have loved you for a thousand years. Ill love you for a thousand more.

One step closer, one step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling dont be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years. Ill love you for a thousand more.

And all along I believed I would find you. Time has brought your heart to me. I have loved you for a thousand years. Ill love you for a thousand more." -Christina Perri (A Thousand Years)

I had to wipe tears from eyes when she finished. Me and the other members applauded her and she sat down on the sofa. The members and I stood up and walked into our bedroom, shutting the door behind us to discuss who the winner was.

Eliza POV:

I sat quietly and ignored that snide remarks from the other four girls. Each one of them was convinced their performance was the most moving and that it would be one of them bunking with their favorite member. About 30 minutes later the boys walked back out and stood infront of us.

The girls did not hide their anger and jealousy when my name was the one chosen as the winner.

"So which on of BIGBANG do you want to spend the last night with," Seungri asked even though I think it was pretty obvious who I was going to select.

"Jiyong," I said quietly.

"Are you guys seriously going to let the chick that hit him, have a night with him alone," one of the girls shrieked.

"We have gotten past that," Jiyong said and he took my hand and lead me to a third bedroom that had two beds in it. He shut the door after we entered.

We talked for awhile before climbing into the seperate beds and falling asleep. For some reason I slept better with just having him in the same room.

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