NL Break In

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A loud crash filled the mansion rooms and all the girls jumped up in their bed. Dee looked around as she firstly assumes it was Mike. The chill fills the room leading to Michael's apparition. He appeared and she asks,
"What was that? What'd you do?" 

Michael's eyes came to their familiar glow and he goes,
"That wasn't me. Stay here."
He passed though her door to the hallway. The noise came from the front foyer and Michael looked with his supernatural ability and heard footsteps. He saw Faith down the hall open her door and he closes it quickly. He pokes his ghostly head through the door frame and motions her to be quiet on the other side. He motioned Shan the same and he began down the stairwell. There, two men were seen gnashing the glass away from the front window frame. The brick that was thrown through the pane to make the crash was visible and Michael made himself hidden behind the bannister. Upstairs, Dee motioned the girls to tip toe to her room and Faith asks, "What's up? What's going on?"
Dee shrugged to their questions, "Michael said it wasn't him. He's going to look. I'm not sure."
Shan looks towards the door listening and she says,
"You don't think?...oh no."
Michael vanishes and reappears in the room and he says still invisible. "Girls someone is here. Stay here, do not leave this room. I'm taking care of it."
They all gasp but Faith adds,
"I'm getting ole Louie.." she goes to her room and brings a Louisville slugger baseball bat and she finishes, "What now?! Where they at, Mike!?"

Michael comes to full form and shakes his head, "Faith no." He begins laughing,
"Just let the man of the house handle this okay?"

They all squint and Shan scoffs, "Now what's that supposed to mean?"
Michael cuts his eyes and says,
"It means, I'm not sending the three girls that flinch in the dark after a scary movie to go and fend off intruders!"
Dee frowns and says,
"We could whip ass if we wanted to!"

Michael shakes his head and he remarks,
"Yeah, and Stevie Wonder could play I Spy if he wanted to. I'll be back."
Mike leaves and he hears them enter the library. They were obviously trying to be quiet. They broke the library door down ironically and made their way down to the library lower level. Michael kept out of sight and heard their banter.
One threw down a bag and nudged the other to keep watch.
"We don't know if those girls are home."
The other gets snippy and spits,
"Like they'd even be a problem anyway!"

One looks around and says,
"Start packing up those vases and figurines. They gotta be worth something if that prick owned them when he was still kicking."
Michael pursed his lips knowing he himself was 'that prick'.
"Why do we want some perverts vases?"
One man asked annoyed and the other snaps still being hushed,
"Cause that pervert was a millionaire, are ya fuckin' stupid? When those three bimbos reopened this joint, they brought back all his luxury and tonight were taking them for all they got, alright!?"
Michael had heard enough and one by one his energy lights the lamps on the wall. Wick by wick. The men freeze and one quivers,
"What the hell is that? Those weren't on earlier!!"
The other shrugs it away and says, "Well, when you're done going nuts, get to work will ya?!"
He shoved the scared mans shoulder then Michael lights the downstairs fireplace. Illuminating the entire room.
They stood frozen, looking back and forth to one another. Mike comes to full form and loses his usual attire of the flowy white shirt and black pants. He dresses in a deep red pants suit and morphs his hair tied up, the Jackson emblem hung as a broach on his shoulder and down he descended. He makes himself the living illusion and he takes his first steps down the spiral steps to the lower tile. The men look around, scared and confused. They hear Michael's echoing footsteps and they spin only to be eternally shook by what they saw.
There Michael stood and with a wave of his hand, the lamps became brighter and their faces came to full hue.
Michael said cold and the men stood. One tried to counterfeit his courage and he shouted,
"This is fake! Its the three broads! This is their trick!"

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